The Church of the Reformation.—John Knox’s Superintendents.— Episcopacy. —Presbytery Established.—Scarcity of Preachers. —Exhorters and Readers.—Mr James Farquharson Exhorter in Urquhart.—The Parish under the Charge of Andrew McPhail.—John McAllan, first Protestant Minister.—The Rev. Alexander Grant.—New Churches. —Grant’s Troubles with the Church Courts.—He Resists the Covenant, but is Forced to Subscribe.—The Rev. Duncan Macculloch.—His Want of Maintenance, and Troublous Career.—His Deposi tion.—A Six Years’ Vacancy.—Restoration of Episcopacy.— Macculloch Reinstated.—A Presbyterial Visitation.—Lamen table State of the Parish.—Macculloch’s Resignation.—How he Slew a Glenmoriston Man.—Loose and Unruly Walking in the Parish.—Searching for a Minister.—The Rev. James Grant.—His Presbyterial Trials.—Induction Ceremonies.— Persecution of Roman Catholics.—Papal Statistics of the Parish.—The Rev. Robert Monro Appointed Preacher in Abertarff and Glenmoriston. — His Difficulties, Privations, and Irregularities. — Lord Lovat’s Midnight Marriage.— Presbyterial Visitation of Urquhart.—Peace and Prosperity.— The Elders.—The Rev. Robert Cumming.—Monro’s Protest. —Prelacy in the Parish.—Troubles in the Church.—The Revolution.—Presbytery Re-Established.
Although the Parliament of 1560 prohibited the celebration of the mass, and destroyed the supremacy of the Pope, it did not directly abolish the Episcopal form of church government, and establish Presby- terianism as it now exists. Thirty years or more
had yet to pass to bring about that result. In Knox’s scheme, it is true, the word bishop does not appear—but we find in it the word superintendent, which has the same meaning, and which the High land Protestant clergy of the time rendered into Gaelic by the word easpuig, a bishop.1 The super intendents had not, indeed, the position or the power of the Romish prelates, but they resembled the old dignitaries in this, that they had the charge of churches and churchmen within certain defined districts which were called by the old episcopalian name of diocese. They were not a success, and in 1572 the name of bishop was restored, and a modi fied Episcopacy was sanctioned which continued till 1592, when Presbyterianism, as we know it, may be said to have been first established. For the first twenty years after the Reformation there were no presbyteries. The first was that of Edinburgh, erected in 1581. Others followed, and all were ratified by Parliament in 1592. In that year we find our Parish within the Presbytery of Inverness, in which it remained till 1724, when it became part of the newly erected Presbytery of Abertarff in the also newly created Synod of Glenelg. In 1884 it was restored to Inverness and the Synod of Moray. As little did the Parliament of 1560 succeed in immediately destroying Popery in Scotland. For years the old faith refused, in many quarters, to give place to the new. In the Province of Moray the Roman Catholic Bishop Hepburn
1 Carswell, whom Knox appointed Superintendent of the Isles, describes himself in his Gaelic Liturgy by the word easbug (easpuig).
remained in undisturbed possession of his see till his death in 1573—enjoying the Church lands as fully, and alienating them as freely, as if Knox had not been born. At the time of his death the Episcopacy established in 1572 prevailed, and the Protestant Bishop Douglas was appointed his successor.
John Knox’s scheme provided that there should be a minister in each parish who should preach and teach ; but the great majority of the Romish clergy who followed him into Protestantism had never been trained to preach, and so had to content themselves under the new system with the office of exhorter, or of reader. The reader read the Scrip tures and the new Protestant service book, but was not allowed to baptise, marry, preach, or expound. The exhorter did not preach, but he expounded Holy Writ, and married, and baptised. James Farquharson, the old vicar of Urquhart, was a Master of Arts, and a fair writer of Latin, but to preach was no part of his duty as Catholic priest, and when he became a Protestant he was too old to learn.1 He was accordingly continued as exhorter, at a stipend of £40—probably the same as he had previously enjoyed. He seems to have died before 1574 ; for in that year there was neither minister, exhorter, nor reader in the Parish,2 which,
1 Farquharson, who, as was the custom of the Romish clergy, had quali fied as a notary public, appears to have had an extensive practice. Several Latin deeds written by him are extant.
2 Farquharson was Exhorter of Urquhart and Glenmoriston in 1572 (Register of Ministers and their Stipends, in Advocates’ Library). The Register of Assignations for the Ministers’ Stipends for the year 1574—also in the Advocates’ Library—contains certain entries regarding the offices of readers in Urquhart and Glenmoriston, for which see Appendix N.
with Bona, was placed under the charge of Andrew McPhail, minister of Farnua in the Aird.1 In 1586 it received for the first time a Protestant minister of its own in the person of John McAllan.2 Mr McAllan is mentioned in 1591, and probably held the living till about the year 1620. He was suc ceeded by the Rev. Alexander Grant,3 who was elected during the existence of that hybrid Epis copacy which was established by James the Sixth in the year 1612. Finding the old pre- Reformation churches in ruins, and the people with out places of worship, he at once took steps to have a church erected at Kilmore, and another in Glen- moriston. At a meeting of the Synod of Moray held in April, 1624, he was “ ordained to proceid in building of his Kirks off Urquhart and Glen- moristoun, seeing he hes alreddie stentit his parochin ; and for ye bettir effectuating of ye said work my Lord Bishop hes promised to joyne his request to the Laird of Grant for his concurrance unto the said work ;”4 but he found it difficult to carry this instruction into effect, and three years later the same court ordered him “to forder [further] the building of ye old foundations of ye Kirks of Urquhart and Glenmoristoun, and for fartherance heirof the Moderator of Inverness wt ye bretheren of that presbyterie ar ordained to visit ye bounds and see quhat is expedient, and to report their diligence to ye nixt Synod.”5 The erection of
1 Scott’s Fasti Ecclesiœ Scoticanœ, Vol. III., Part L, p. 267. 2 Ibid, p. 119. 3 Ibid. 4 Records of Synod of Moray. 5 Ibid,
these churches followed the Presbytery’s visit. The Glenmoriston fabric, however, fell into utter ruin before the end of the century. The Kilmore church, altered and repaired from time to time, continued to be the church of the Parish till the present church was built in 1838.1
Mr Grant was not a model member of the church courts. In 1625 he was summoned before the Bishop on account of his frequent absence from the meetings of his Presbytery, and was called upon in October, 1626, to explain why he had not attended the last two meetings of the Synod. The explanation he gave was that he lived “ in the farrest part of ye diocie,” and “culd hear no certantie” of the date of the first meeting ; and, as for the second, “ he culd noth keip it in respect it was the appointed day of his mariage.”2 As the meetings were held at Elgin these reasons appear valid enough ; but the brethren were of a different opinion, and “ thocht guid heavilie to rebuik him, and exhorted him to tak his calling moir cairfullie to heart in all tyme cumming.”3
But a greater penalty than rebuke and exhor tation awaited him. Some time previously, a certain Finlay Grant, residing in Glenmoriston, was “ contracted” for the purpose of marriage with one Catherine Grant, who resided in Cromdale. Mr
1 In the portion of the old walls still standing there is built-in a stone on which are inscribed the words Domus Dei (House of God), Mr Grant’s initials, and the date 1630. Its original place was above one of the doors of the church.
2 Moray Synod Records. His wife was a daughter of Mr John Mackenzie, Minister of Dingwall—(Fasti).
3 Ibid.
Dick, minister of Cromdale, wrote to Mr Grant certi fying the contract, and requesting that the latter should publish the banns in his church. By this time, however, Finlay had deserted Catherine, and become engaged to a sister of the Laird of Glen- moriston. Mr Grant favoured the latter project, and ignored Mr Dick’s request. Complaint was made to the Presbytery, who “ inhibited” him from solemnising Finlay’s marriage with the Laird’s sister ; but the inhibition was also ignored, and he married the couple. These facts were reported to the Synod in October, 1626, and he was rebuked and censured, “ and ordained to mak his publict repentance in ye kirk of Glenmoristoun, and to pay the soume of fowrtie libs [pounds] money ad pios usus.” The public repentance was humiliating, but it had to be made—a brother of the Presbytery occupying the pulpit on the occasion.1
Mr Grant was attached to the Episcopalian form of church government, and, in the struggle which began with the flinging of Jenny Geddes’ stool, in July, 1637, he took the side of the bishops, and had the hearty sympathy of Lady Mary Ogilvy, the liferentrix of Urquhart.2 For a time he declined to subscribe the Covenant, but in the end he was forced to yield. At a meeting of the Synod held at Forres on 14th May, 1639, “ Andrew Dow fraser [Minister of BoleskineJ sub- scryve and sware to ye Covenant, and so did Mr Alexr. Grant, Minister at Vrquhart, and so did Mr
1 Moray Synod Records. 2 See pp. 146, 147. supra.
Williame Watsone, Minister at Dutthell.”1 Not withstanding this formal adhesion, the Covenant did not prosper in the Parish. The minister did not like it, and Lady Mary continued in open enmity to it. The Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 was even more obnoxious to himself and his people, many of whom joined Montrose in the war to which that bond gave rise, and in course of which Urquhart was invaded by the Covenanting forces, and made the camping ground of the Western loyalists. In the midst of these troubles—in 1645—Mr Grant died—spared the pain of witnessing the expatriation of Montrose, the execution of the King, the rule of the English sectaries, and the extinction for a time of the hopes of the Episcopalians. He was succeeded in 1647 by the Reverend Duncan Macculloch, minister of the Second Charge of Inverness. For Mr Macculloch’s unprofitable career in the Parish he was himself to some extent to blame ; but in a larger measure the responsibility for his failure lay with the heritors and parishioners. The people of Urquhart adhered to the party which their late minister had favoured, and they had little sympathy with the man who now came among them as an avowed Presbyterian and Covenanter. Notwithstand ing discouragements, he began well. He strove to remove certain irregularities which existed in con nection with marriages between his parishioners and natives of Glengarry and Lochaber, “where there is no minister, neither hath been since the
1 Moray Synod Records.
Reformation,”1 and where consequently banns could not be proclaimed.2 He found that the lands which belonged to the Church at the time of the Reforma tion, and which are referred to as church property as late as 1574, had passed into the possession of the Lairds, and that the Parish was without manse, or glebe, or suitable provision for the minister’s maintenance ; and he applied for a manse and glebe and augmentation of stipend. The manse and glebe were “ designated” early in 1650, but there was some irregularity in the procedure ; and so no manse was erected, while the minister was evicted from the glebe in less than a year. Worse still, his stipend, which was payable partly by the proprietors and partly by the tenants, was entirely withheld. In April, 1651, the attention of the Synod was called to his griev ances by Mr James Vass, Minister of Croy, and it was ordained “ that quhen the Laird of Grant shall come to Forres, Elgin, or Keith, the ministers at the respective places shall represent to him Mr Duncan McKullo his hard conditione, and desire redresse thereof in the matter of his glebe and provisione, and presse the same seriouslie upon him.”3 Macculloch and certain of his brethren had an interview with the Laird on 5th November, and
1 Moray Synod Records.
2 At a meeting held at Elgin in April, 1648, the Synod referred the matter of the non-proclamation of banns to the General Assembly, “ and in the meantime ordaines the said Mr Duncane [Macculloch] for the present to cause proclame such persons in the Kirks of Urquhart and Abertarff, quhilk are the Kirks neirest adjacent to these unplanted boundes” [of Glengarry and Lochaber].
3 Moray Synod Records.
his glebe was probably restored—but by this time he had become discontented, and soured, and irregular in his ministerial carriage. He ceased to attend the meetings of the Church courts, became “ verie negligent in his chairge,” and was accused of “ scandalous conversation.” At meeting after meeting the charges against him were considered and discussed, until, in 1658, the Presbytery visited Urquhart, and, finding him “ worthie of depositione,” deposed him accordingly.
For the next six years the Parish was without a minister. During the vacancy — in 1662 — that mixed form of Episcopacy peculiar to Protestant Scotland was again established as one of the results of the Restoration of the Stewarts ; and, two years later, Mr Macculloch was restored to his living. His temporary seclusion, and his conformity to Prelacy, brought no improvement in his conduct. He never attended Synod or Presbytery ; his neglect of his pastoral duties was even greater than before his deposition ; and the state of his flock became a scandal to the Church. A dark picture is drawn by Mr Thomas Houston, minister of Boleskine, who, in August, 1671, reported to the Presbytery “ye sad and lamentable stat of ye Parish off Vrquhart in regard of Mr Duncan McCulloch, Minister there, his slackness in discipline, and neglect of dutie in many things, and absence from his church, quhereby sin and iniquitie is abounding and increasing in ye said Parish.”1 A visitation was appointed, and on
1 Inverness Presbytery Records.
5th September the brethren met within the church at Kilmore.
Mr Macculloch opened the proceedings with a sermon on the text “ Pray without ceasing.” There was much need for prayer. Everywhere irregularity and confusion and spiritual destitution met the Presbytery. The session-book was found to be “ not a register but a minut rather, and that it was deficient, wanting three yeirs unfilled up.” For “ this great oversight” Mr Duncan was “rebooked,” and “ ordeaned by ye Moderator to exhibit a register, and to see quhat was wanting therein, and that against ye nixt presbyteriall meeting.” The heritors and elders being “ asked anent the minister’s doctrine, life, and conversation,” replied that they “ were all weill satisfied with him as to these, but withall they regrated that he used no family visitation, nor prayed in their families when he lodged in any of his parishioners’ houses ; and that he did not catechise, nor administer ye sacra ment ever since his entrie to ye ministrie there ; and that he is a reproach to ye ministrie and ye Parish in going with so beggerly a habit ; and though much of his stipend be areasted in ye parishioners’ hands, that yet he hath no cair to pay his debt or reliev ye gentlemen from hazard at legal executions in their contrar [against them].” Mr Macculloch having been “ sharply rebooked for all these omissiones, and injoyned to mende these things in tymes coming, and that sub periculo gravioris censurej,” was invited to state his griev-
ances. “ Being asked anent his elders and gentlemen, what satisfaction he had off them, he regrated that he had neither countenance nor maintenance among them, and that quhen he is wrongd or injured in his person or meanes they have not that due regard to him as to resent these wronges and injuries done to him—quherfor he would demitt”—that is, resign. The church officer was so “ slack” that he was threatened with dismissal, and the windows of the church were so defective that the session was ordered to apply the fines paid by breakers of the Seventh Commandment in repairing them.1
The Synod, on receiving the Presbytery’s report, recommended the acceptance of Mr Macculloch’s resignation. On 1st December he was met at Doch-na-Craig (Lochend) by four members of the Presbytery, and when the meeting was over he was no longer minister of Urquhart and Glenmoriston.2
1 Inverness Presbytery Records.
2 Moray Synod Records. Macculloch’s demission is in the following terms : —“ I, Mr Duncan Macculloch, Minister of the United Churches of Urquhart and Glenmorestoune, for onerous reasons and causes knowen to my selfe and to my reverend Brethren of the Presbytrie of Invernes, doe demitt, renunce, and resigne my cure and ministrie at the forsaid Kirkes into the hands of the right reverend father in God, Murdo, Lord Bishop of Murray, and give hereby full way and heartie consent that hencefurth my cure may be declared vacand, ay and quhill it please God to provid that people with a man that may have more incouragment to serve among them than I have had dureing my service in that place : In Consideratione quheroff I ever from the dait hereoff renunce, discharge, and resigne my cure, stipend, manses, and gleibes thereoff in all tym coming : In full testimonie quheroff I have both written and subscrived thir presents with my hand at Davach-in-Craig, the first of December 1671 yeirs, befor Mr Alexr. Clarke, minister at Invernes, and Mr Hew Fraser, minister at Kiltarlitie. Mr D. Macculloch.”
“Mr A. Clark, Witnes. “ Hugh fraser. Witnesse.”
The Presbytery placed it on record that the “ omissions ” of which Mr Macculloch was guilty were the consequence of “ his manifold and heavie discouragements in his Parochin through want of maintenance and countenance, and by stealling and robbing of the little he hath ;” and they were not without good grounds for their conclusion. The poor minister had been robbed and despitefully used by both heritors and people. If they had paid his stipend, and treated him with justice and respect, the probability is that he would have efficiently ministered to them, and paid his debts, and gone about in decent attire. He is remembered in the traditions of the Parish, not for his preaching or his piety, but for his prowess in avenging a dastardly outrage on two Urquhart young women. While the girls were tending cattle in the shielings of Corri-Dho, to which the tenants of Urquhart had then a right, certain Glenmoriston men seized them and cut off their breasts. The minister soon after wards met one of the dastards, and slew him on the spot.
At a meeting of Synod held at Elgin on 9th April, 1672, Mr Macculloch’s deed of demission was presented to the Bishop, who thereupon required the Reverend James Stewart, Chancellor of Moray, and in that capacity patron of the living, to fill the vacancy “with all conveniency.” The Presbytery also exhorted the gentlemen and elders of the Parish to co-operate with the Chancellor by using “ all possible diligence to furnish a minister for
themselves.” The gentlemen and elders were, how ever, in no hurry, and the state of the Parish was the subject of the Presbytery’s anxious deliberations on 14th August. “ The Presbyterie, considering the sad conditione of the Parish off Urquhart, and the manifold abuses committed there, and their loose and unrullie walking through the want of gospell ordinances amongst them, as also the little care they have for providing a minister for them selves, have appoynted Mr James Smith, Minister at Dorres, to goe to Vrquhart and preach to the people the last Lord’s day of August instant, and keep session there, and exhort the people to use all possible dilligence for searching out for ane able qualified minister settled for that place, and to that effect that they would send some of their number and meet with the Laird of Grant, the most con siderable heritor of the Parish, and Mr James Stuart, Minister at Inveraine [Inveravon], Patrone of the Parishe of Urquhart, for their help and assistance in the work ; and till they be provided the gentlemen to keep their people under them in good order.” These directions were duly obeyed, and on 27th November Mr James Grant, a young unordained “ expectant,” appeared before the Pres bytery and produced a presentation from the patron, together with a letter from the Bishop desiring the Presbytery to put him “ to his tryells cum intuitu ad locum to the Church of Urquhart.” It may be interesting to note what those “ trials” were. Mr Grant read a “homilie” before the Presbytery on
8th January, 1673, on the text “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life ;” and the same was “ approven.” On 26th February he satisfactorily “hade his exercise and additione,” on Col. ii. 14— “ Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross.” He “ hade his common head” on 12th March, his subject being the Infallibility of the Church— “ de Infallibilitate Ecclesiœ ;” after which he delivered a thesis and “disputed” it with the members of the Presbytery. At a meeting held on the 26th he preached a “ populare sermon,” was examined in “ the languages,” and underwent his “ questionarie tryells.” Having successfully passed through all these trials, he was (on the 26th) “ remitted to the Bishope to receave ordinatione, collatione, and institutione ;” and Mr Hugh Fraser, minister of Kiltarlity, reported that he had preached at Urquhart the last Lord’s day, and served his edict ; and that John Grant of Corrimony appeared for himself and the rest of the parishioners, “suppli cating the Presbyterie that they would send them Mr James Grant, whom they are most willing to receave as their minister, promiseing to him dutie according to their power, and that in giveing him countenance and maintenance, as also that they will concur with him in discipline and what else may contribute for helping on God’s service to God’s
glorie, and to his encouragement.” On the 9th of April Mr Grant attended on the Bishop and Synod at Elgin and “ receaved collatione, institutione, and impositione of hands, and the right hand of fellow- shipe, with everything usuall in the like case ;” and on 7th May the Presbytery recorded that “be vertue of ane order from the Bishope of Murray, Mr Hugh Fraser, minister of Kiltarlitie, went the last Lord’s day to Urquhart, and preached to the people, and admitted Mr James Grant to be future minister there, haveing used all the ceremonyes usuall in the like case.”1 The parishioners accepted him on the
1 What the usual ceremonies were may be gathered from the following Presbytery minute describing the admission of Mr Gilbert Marshall to be one of the ministers of Inverness in 1674 : —“The exercise prescribed the former Presbytrie day was delayed till the next Presbytrie day, because that by the Bishopes appoyntment Mr Gilbert Marshall, who is presented by the Lord Kintaile to the vacant charge of Invernes, had his edict served to this day : wherupon Mr Alexr. [ ], Modr. preached conforme to the ordinance,
text Acts 20, 28 ; the sermon being closed, the edict being the second tyme read, and being askedif their were any person or persons their present that had aught to object against the admissione of the said Mr Gilbert Marshall, at the most patent Kirk door, and thereafter at the severall heritors, magis trates, and others then present, all of them answered negativelie, and earnestlie pressed his admissione ; whereupon the Modr. proceeded to the admissione by delivering to him the Sacred Bible, the book of discipline, and the key of the Kirk door, as is usuall in such cases, seriously exhorting him to pietie, humilitie, fidellitie, and sedulitie in his calling, who, with his wholl remanent bretheren, gave him the right hand of fellowshipe ; and immediatlie therafter the heritours, magistrates, and others present did unanimouslie embrace him by reaching forth their hands to him, declareing their acceptance of the said Mr Gilbert for their minister, promiseing obedience, faithfullnes, and assistance to him according to their severall stationes. Thereafter the said Modr. and remanent brethren passed to the Manse and Gleibe somtyme belonging to the late Mr James Sutherland, and gave the said Mr Gilbert reall possessione in the same and locall stipend belonging thereto, dureing his ministrie and service at the said Kirk of Inv’nes, which the said Mr Gilbert accepted, and tooke instrument, ane or moe in Andrew McPhersone, Nottare Publick, his hand, as the same at more length in itself doth proport.”
terms proposed by Corrimony, and so he became their minister.
In his time the Bishop and Church courts of Moray made some effort to extirpate Popery in the province—but the more they persecuted, the more numerous did the persecuted become. Many Pro testants joined the ancient Church, and had their children baptised by the “seminary trafficking priests” from Ireland and the shires of Banff and Aberdeen, who “went up and down through the parishes avowedly, confidently, and affrontedly.”1 In 1674, and again in 1679, the ministers were ordered to bring in lists of all who acknowledged the Pope within their respective parishes, and against these church processes and sentences of ex communication were freely launched. Mr Grant was comparatively happy. While the district of Comar, just outside his Parish, is described as “ so pestered with poperie that a total defectione is feared there iff not speidily prevented,”2 he is able to grant the following certificate regarding Glen-Urquhart :—“ I Mr James Grant, Minister of Urquhart, doe testifie and declare that (blessed be God for it) ther are no Papists in this Paroch of Urquhart except Katherin McDonald, Spouse to Jhon Grant of Coremony, qho was both borne and bred among Papists, and one Hector McLean, a young man baptised in our Church, but bred among Papists since his youth, but nether of these excommunicat ; qhich is verified under my hand att Kilmore in Urquhart, 5 of
1 Inverness Presbytery Records. 2 Ibid.
March, 1679.”1 Mr Robert Monro, who was at the time in charge of Glenmoriston, had not so much to be thankful for :—“ I, Mr Robert Monro, Minister off Abertarf and Glenmoriston. doe testifie and declaire these Papists did apostatize from the reformed religion before my entrie, vizt. [here are given the names of apostates in Abertarff], Alex. McDonald in Achlean, his wyff and whole familie ; Allan McDonald in Innervuick, his whole familie (except his wyffe) ; Archibald McConchie Vc Phatrick in Innervuick, but not his wyff nor family. The excommunicat are, both for incest and defection to Poperie, John Grant in Duldregin and Katherine Fraser his wyff, and part of his familie. This to be of truth I verify under my hand att Invernes, March 5, 1679.”2
Ever after the Reformation the people of Glen- moriston were left in a state of spiritual starvation : there was no priest or parson in their own Glen, and the visits of the minister of the Parish were few and far between. The adjoining district of Abertarff or Kilchuimein (now FortAugustus) was in the same precarious state of dependence on the minister of Boleskine. In 1675 an attempt was made to provide those desolate places with the means of grace. The ministers of Urquhart and Boleskine joined in petitioning the Bishop, who was “ Patron of Kilchuimen,” and the Chancellor of Moray, “ Patron of Glenmoriston,” to have “ Mr Robert Monro settled as minister and their helper in the
1 Inverness Presbytery Records. 2 Ibid.
said bounds of Abertarfe and Glenmoriston.” The Petition, concurred in by the heritors of those bounds, was in January 1676, submitted by Mr Monro to the Presbytery, who referred it to the Bishop and Chancellor for their decision. That decision was favourable, and Mr Monro, having gone through the customary trials, was ordained by the Bishop on 2nd March, and, on the 12th. admitted at Kilchuimein by Mr Houston, minister of Boleskine, and Mr Grant, minister of Urquhart.1
The arrangement, however, did not give satisfac tion to all concerned. At a meeting of Presbytery held at Kilchuimein in September, 1677, the Glen- moriston elders—John McEvin in Invermoriston, John McFarquhar and Donald McWilliam in Livishie, and William McAlaster and James Grant in Inver- vuick—complained that “ the new minister did not keepe with them everie sabbath per vices.” His excuse was that there was no church in Glen- moriston, no bridge on the River Moriston, and “ no boat to transport him to his charge.” The Presby tery did not expect him to swim to a church which did not exist, and approved of his “ ministeriall deportment ;” and, as his lot was cast near the zealous Roman Catholics of Glengarry, he was exhorted “ to studie the Popish controversie, whereby he would be enabled to convince gainsayers and reclame the astrayeing ignorant.” He was but poorly supported in his work of reclamation, and his
1 Inverness Presbytery Records.
success was not great, among either Catholics or Protestants. His income was not sufficient to keep body and soul together, and, notwithstanding that he eked it out by acting as clerk of the Presby tery, for which he annually received a “ rex dollar”1 from each member, his poverty increased, and he was forced to beg for charity. In 1682 the Synod urged the clergy of the diocese “ to mind a contri bution to Mr Robert Monro in regard of his present straites and indigencies.” The contributions gave temporary relief, but his impecuniosity returned, and led him into irregularities. In November, 1687, he officiated at a “ mock marriage” at Inverness, and was suspended in consequence. On 4th April follow ing the suspension was continued by the Synod till the first Sunday in May, on which day, in respect of “ two other unorderly marriages ” confessed by him, he was ordained to appear publicly in the church of Inverness, and in face of the congregation to “make humble and solemn acknowledgment of his offence anent the said mock marriage, and his other scandalls that accompany’d his miscarriages, craving God pardon, and all whom he might thereby have offended.” The order was obeyed, and he was absolved, and restored to his charge.
His suspension brought no lasting improvement, and, years afterwards, he officiated at one of the most irregular and most extraordinary marriages on record. The famous Simon Fraser, early in that
1 Rex or rix dollar : a silver coin of Denmark, and varying in value from 2s 6d to 4s 6d.
wild career in the course of which he won the title and estates of Lovat, resolved to make Lady Amelia Murray, Dowager Lady Lovat, his wife. The wooing was short, and somewhat rough. Our criminal records tell the story. “ Captain Simon Fraser takes up the most mad and villanous resolution that ever was heard of ; for all in a sudden he and his complices make the lady close prisoner in her chamber [within Beaufort Castle], under his armed guards, and then come upon her with the said Mr Robert Monro, Minister at Abertarff, and three or four ruffians, in the night-time, about two or three in the morning, . . . and having dragged out
her maids, Agnes McBryar and—Fraser, he
proposes to the lady that she should marry him, and when she fell in lamenting and crying, the great pipe was blown up to drown her cries, and the wicked villains ordered the minister to proceed. And, though she protested with tears and cries, and also offered all promises of anything else, and declared she would sacrifice her life sooner than consent to their proposal, nevertheless, the said minister proceeds, and declares them married persons, and Hugh Fraser, of Kinmonavie, and the said Hutcheon Oig, both of them thieves and murderers, are appointed for her waiting maids. And though she often swarved [fainted], and again cried out most piteously, yet no relenting. But the bagpipe is blown up as formerly, and the foresaid ruffians rent off her clothes, cutting her stays with their dirks, and so thrust her into bed.”1
1 State Trials.
In the matter of marriage irregularities Mr Monro could point to the example of his superior, the min ister of Urquhart. In October, 1682, the Reverend James Grant was accused of “ ane irregular walking in marrying two persons in another parish without either license from the Bishope or proclamationes in the church.” He confessed his guilt—“ although urged thereto by the importunity of friends”—and placed himself in the hands of the Bishop and Synod. “ The Lord Bishope and brethern having considered the offence doe suspend the said Mr James from the exercise of his ministeriall function during the Bishopes pleasure, and that Mr Hugh Fraser [minister of Kiltarlity] is appointed to go to Urquhart and intimat the said sentence.”1 The suspension was but of short duration, and before April Mr Grant again filled the pulpit of the Parish church.
This slight offence notwithstanding, Mr Grant appears to have been a good man, and to have given great satisfaction to his people. The report of a Presbyterial visitation of the Parish in 1677 is pleasant reading. The brethren met at Kilmore on 5th June, and were respectfully received by the minister and elders and a “ populous meeting of the hearers.” The list of elders is evidence of the minister’s activity and influence :—Thomas Grant of Balmacaan, John Grant of Corrimony, James Grant of Shewglie, Patrick Grant of Inchbrine, Donald Cumming of Dulshangie and James his son, James
1 Moray Synod Records.
Cumming in Pitkerrald, Farquhar Cumming in Gartallie, William Grant of Achmonie, Alexander and Robert Grant in Kerrowgair, Alexander Grant in Balmacaan, Duncan Grant in Divach, Gregor Grant in Pitkerrald, and others whose names are not recorded. They all united in giving their minister “ ane singulare applaus.” He was sound in his doctrine, correct in his life and conversation, frequently catechised the people, visited the sick, prayed in the families, “was prepareing for cele- brateing the Lord’s Supper, which he could not do untill a period should be put to the harvest,” and loyally preached yearly on the 29 th of May—the anniversary of the Restoration of Charles the Second.4 Of the elders the minister testified “ that they were most faithfull, and that there was nothing could encourage him in his ministeriall office, but they were all most cordiall to strengthen his hands.” Never before did the Church in Urquhart enjoy such peace and prosperity ; and the moderator, overcome with gratitude, “blessed the Lord for the good applause the minister had of his elders,” and for the “ sweet harmony” that prevailed. The minister was, indeed, too good to he left in the Parish. A cry soon reached him from another part
4 Inverness Presbytery Records. The 29th of May, says John Evelyn (Diary, 29th May, 1661), was “appointed by Act of Parliament to be observed as a day of general thanksgiving for the miraculous restauration of His Majesty : our vicar preaching on 118 Psalm, v. 24, requiring us to be thankful and rejoice, as indeede we had cause.” In England the day was for many years known as Royal Oak Day, from the custom of placing oak branches in the churches in memory of Charles’ escape from Cromwell’s soldiers by concealing himself among the branches of an oak tree.
of the vineyard, and in 1685 he was translated to Abernethy.
His successor was Mr Robert Cumming, “ expec tant,” who appeared before the Presbytery on 14th July, 1686, with a presentation to the churches “ of Urquhart and Glenmoristone, now vacand,” and a letter from the Bishop recommending him for the customary trials, prior to ordination. At the next meeting (llth August) Mr Robert Monro protested against the terms of the presenta tion, claiming that he himself was minister of Glenmoriston. The protest was referred to the Bishop and Synod, and found to be baseless, Mr Monro being only in the position of “ helper ;” and, in obedience to the Bishop’s instructions, Mr Fraser of Kiltarlitie preached at Kilmore on Sunday, 24th October, and admitted Mr Cumming to be minister of Urquhart and Glenmoriston, “ confbrme to his presentatione and collation.” The new incumbent at once assumed jurisdiction over the delinquents in Glenmoriston, and they were dealt with by the “ Session of the united Parochins of Urquhart and Glenmoriston”—Mr Monro’s claim and protest being wholly ignored.
The persecutions which disgraced and discredited the Episcopalian party in the South of Scotland during the Killing Time were practically unfelt within the bounds of the Presbytery of Inverness. For years the members of that court were at one in their devotion to Prelacy, and although they had a field for mild persecution among the Papists of the
bounds, there were no Covenanters against whom proceedings could be instituted. In 1687, however, the Reverend Angus Macbean, of Inverness, who had been ordained a few years previously by the Bishop, “disowned the government of the Church of Scotland as it is now established by law, by Archbishops, Bishops, and Presbyters,” and declared his conviction “that Presbitrie was the only govern ment that God owned in these nations.” Mr Macbean was at first gently reasoned with ; but without effect. Instead of returning to “ the Armes of the Church, which were still open and ready to receive him upon his repentance,” he “ publicly demitted his charge of the ministry under the present Government,” went to Ross-shire to preach to the Covenanters of that county, and, returning to Inverness, held a conventicle of his own, “ and so began his schisme in one of the most loyall, orderly, and regular cities in the nation.”1 Among his brethren of the Presbytery there was not one to follow his example. On the contrary, they joined in urging the Episcopal authorities “ to use all ordinar means for suppressing the schisme begun at Inverness.”2 In February, 1688, he was summoned before the Archbishop of St Andrew, the Bishop of Moray, and other dignitaries, and invited to return to the Episcopal fold. He refused, and was deposed. His sentence was read from the pulpit of the High Church of Inverness, “ for vindicating the Church’s authority, and Terror of such Back-slyders.” But
1 Inverness Presbytery Records. 2 Ibid.
the Backsliders were on the way to victory, and refused to be terrified; and the end of the Church’s authority was at hand. Before the close of the year James the Seventh was driven from the throne ; in July, 1689, Episcopacy was abolished by Parlia ment ; and in the following spring Presbyterianism was re-established in Scotland.
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