Origin and History of Agriculture and Land-Ownership.—Davachs and other Divisions.—Rise and Fall of Population.—Sub- Division of Holdings.—The Occupiers of the Soil.—Origin of the Crofter.—Leases.—Agricultural Productions and Customs.—Ancient Trade in Cattle, Skins, Wool, and Furs.— Rents and Services.—Foundation of Lewistown and Milton.— Famines.—Game Laws.—An Ancient Royal Forest.—Timber Traffic. — Trades. — Old Industries. — Copper Mine.—Iron Works.—Lime Manufacture.—Distaff and Spindle. —Linen and Woollen Factories.—Introduction of Spinning Wheels.— Ale.—An Ancient Brew-house.—Whisky-Making. — Modern Breweries.—Roads and Bridges.—Traffic on Loch Ness.— Ancient Boats.—Cromwell’s Frigate.—The Highland Galley. — Steamboats. — Highland Hospitality. — Inns. — Samuel Johnson at Aonach.—The Dwellings of the Past.—Modern Improvements. — Law and Order. — Sanctuaries. — Baron Courts and their Procedure.—Curious Administrative Division of the Parish.—Church Courts.—The Poor.—Social Customs. —Fights and Feuds.—Modern Changes.—The Conclusion.
If we could but raise the thick curtain that shuts out the distant past from our view, we would see our remote ancestor in Urquhart and Glenmoriston dwelling in caves and crevices, or clustered with his fellows in the hut-circles whose remains still cover the higher moorlands of the Parish, a stranger to tillage and pasturage, wandering in search of food over a land which he has not yet learned to call
his own. Coming nearer our own time, we would find him the possessor of flocks which roam with those of the other members of his family or tribe over a district which he and they have marked out for themselves, and vaguely claim as their common possession. At a later period we would see him combining his pastoral pursuits with the art of husbandry, and cultivating patches of land on the run-rig system ; or, later still, enclosing his arable fields and their surroundings, and appropriating them to himself, or holding them for certain dues or services under a chief or other person who has already acquired a right of ownership to them.
At what precise period this last stage was reached in Urquhart and Glenmoriston, it is impos sible to say. If we literally accept the words of Dio, who wrote in the third century, there was in his time no tillage in what we now know as the High lands of Scotland, the people living “ by pasturage, the chase, and certain berries.” But probably we ought not to read this as meaning that they were absolutely without knowledge of husbandry ; for in the time of Columba—the sixth century—corn, agricultural operations, and farm buildings were so common as to prove that agriculture was not then of very recent introduction. In Columba’s time, too, the right of private property in land was known, and not only was Iona conferred on himself, but from his day downwards lands were from time to time granted to his followers and successors, who were the great teachers of husbandry in the Highlands.
Their possessions in our Parish have already been referred to.1 Until the eleventh or twelfth century, the owners of the soil held it on the unwritten title of duchas. Then written charters became common—issuing in the first instance from the King, from whom all right was held to flow. The first title now known of land in our Parish is the agreement of 1233 between Sir Alan Durward and the Chancellor of Moray.2
With the exception of the lands which belonged to the Church, the whole territory now embraced in the Parish formed, from the earliest time of which we have record till 1509, one large domain, attached as a rule to the Castle, and held by the King or by persons to whom the King granted it.3 In 1509 this territory was alienated from the Crown, and divided into three estates—Urquhart, Corrimony, and Glen- moriston—and granted to the Laird of Grant and his two sons. In 1557 the old Church property of Achmonie was acquired by John Mackay. In that year, therefore, there were four private pro prietors in the Parish. That number continued with certain variations till 1779, when Achmonie was purchased by the Laird of Grant. In 1825 the estate of Lakefield (now Kilmartin) was formed out of Corrimony, and the old number of four heritors was thus restored.
1 See Chap. xvii.
2 See p. 16, supra.
3 In this domain was also included that portion of the forest of Cluanie which lies to the east of the watershed, and now forms part of the estate of Kintail. See footnote p. 448 infra.
The early Celts sometimes divided their lands into davachs—the word being dabhach, a vat or large vessel used for measuring or holding corn, and the meaning of it as applied to land being, a sufficient extent for the sowing of a dabhach of seed. To this extent of arable land was attached a certain outrun of moorland or green pasture. Where the word davach, or its equiva lent dock, is found, it proves that part at least of the lands to which it is applied was under tillage before the twelfth century, when Saxon or Southern systems of measurement came into use in the North. Glenmoriston was divided into several davachs, and Urquhart into ten, which are still known as the Ten Davachs of Urquhart—Deich Dochan Urchu- dainn. In our Parish the word davach first appears in Sir Alan Durward’s deed of 1233, and the division indicates that at one time Urquhart consisted of ten large holdings corresponding with the ten davachs. Some of these were subsequently divided into half davachs, quarter davachs, and bolls.
It is interesting to trace the increase within the last three centuries of the number of agricultural holdings. The charters of 1509 show that what is now the estate of Urquhart (including Achmonie) consisted of 18 holdings, Corrimony of 4, and Glenmoriston of 12. Randolph’s charter to Sir Robert Chisholm, in 1345, proves that some at least of these divisions existed in that year, and the fact that they are in 1509 described by their Old Extent values would appear to show that the
divisions existed as far back as the thirteenth century, when the Old Extent valuation was made. The tenants of these large holdings had subtenants under them. In 1548 there were still 18 holdings on Urquhart and Achmonie, which were occupied by 111 tenants and subtenants. In 1636 the tenants and subtenants numbered 110. In 1765 the estate of Urquhart proper was let to 81 tenants, who had under them 70 subtenants and 50 cottars, exclusive of the subtenants and cottars of Shewglie, who probably numbered 10. Achmonie at the time had 11 tenants. In 1808 the subtenants were made crofters, holding directly of the proprietor ; and Urquhart and Achmonie were divided into 169 holdings, including the allotments of Milton and Lewistown, but exclusive of cottars possessing houses and gardens only. After that year the population, which had for ages been kept down by war and spoliation and famine, rapidly increased, with the result that the holdings were gradually subdivided, until they now number 306, exclusive of 106 cottars having houses and gardens.1
1 In connection with these figures, it may be interesting to note the population of Urquhart and Glenmoriston at various periods. In 1755, according to Webster’s returns, the inhabitants numbered 1943. In 1763 they were estimated by Lorimer at 2000. The following are the numbers in the census years :—In 1801, 2633 ; in 1811, 2446 (a reduced number, chiefly brought about by the absence of many men in the war) ; in 1821, 2786 ; in 1831, 2942 ; in 1841, 3104 ; in 1851, 3280 ; in 1861, 2911 ; in 1871, 2769 ; in 1881, 2437 ; and in 1891, 2035. The steady decrease which has been going on since 1851, when the population reached the highest point which it ever touched, is accounted for by the fact that the young men are not now satisfied with remaining at home as their fathers did, but go out into the world, and that the young women also leave home to better themselves elsewhere.
While the principal tenants or tacksmen have since the sixteenth century held their holdings on formal written leases,1 their subtenants were occupiers-at-will, and whatever rights or privileges they enjoyed were of a meagre and unsatisfactory nature. Many of them were descendants of the old nativi, or serfs,2 and continued till the end of last century to be dependent on the landowners and tacksmen, and to be virtually their servants. They are still remembered by the name of malanaich— that is, mailers, or payers of mail or small rent, as distinguished from the tuath—the name applied in the district of Loch Ness to large farmers ; and their condition in 1763 is thus described by Mr William Lorimer, tutor, and latterly secretary, to Sir James Grant :—“ There are few or no sub tenants, strictly speaking, that is, persons who have some possessions of ground from the prin cipal tenants ; but there are many cottagers or cottars, called also mealers [mailers]. A tenant has one, two, perhaps three, of these, to whom he gives the liberty to build a house on his farm. This house has three couples, with other kinds of wood, all of which are taken out of the Laird’s woods without any payment to him. This mealer pays to
1 The oldest agricultural lease now extant of lands in the Parish is one by the Bishop of Moray to Mackay of Achmonie in 1554 (Appendix C), which was in 1557 exchanged for a charter (Appendix D). An early specimen of the Grant leases is given in Appendix C.
2 The Wolf of Badenoch’s nativi, or native slaves, are mentioned in 1389 —see p. 45 supra. Among the Wester Bunloit sufferers in the Great Raid of 1545 was John McGillechrist Mor Mcinfuttir—John, son of Big Christopher, son of the Fuidir, or stranger bondsman.
the tenant yearly a merk [13s 4d Scots, or 1s l1/3d stg.] for every couple for this house. The mealer has also a cow, to which the tenant allows a little grass. He has also a few sheep ; and the tenant, for this grass, and the liberty of the pasture of the sheep, causes the cottar or mealer keep his sheep, and gets other little services from him.” These mailers were converted into crofters by Sir James, who had the estate of Urquhart surveyed, and the holdings readjusted, in 1808. To him—the Good Sir James, as he was called in his own day—the Parish owes much. From his succession in 1773— or rather from 1761, when his father (the Ludovick Grant of The Forty Five), entrusted him with the management of the estate—till his death in 1811, he never ceased to labour for the improvement of the lot of his people, employing them in planting, and the construction of roads, bridges, and river embank ments ; encouraging the erection of stone-built houses, and the cultivation of flax and the potato; introducing turnips and rye-grass ; and insisting for the first time on a regular rotation of cropping, and on good husbandry generally.1 To emigration, which became common in his time, he strongly objected, and with the view of keeping the people at home he founded the villages of Lewistown and Milton, and attached allotments to them for the use of artisans and labourers. From the written
1 Flax, oats, barley, and bear, are mentioned as crops in Urquhart in the sixteenth century. The place-names Shewglie (Seagalaidh), and Lagant Seagail in Wester Bunloit, show that rye was grown ; and the name Druim-a’- Chruithneachd, on the old farm of Shewglie, indicates that wheat was not unknown. The potato was introduced early in the eighteenth century.
“ Scheme” of Lewistown, still preserved at Castle Grant, it is evident he expected the village to grow into a place of some importance. While the mailer’s lot must always have been a hard one—the famines which periodically visited the Parish being specially hard upon them1—the large tenants, as a rule, enjoyed a rough prosperity, in spite of the wars and spoliations from which they frequently suffered. Not only did they grow large quantities of corn as early at least as the sixteenth century, but they also, at an earlier period still, possessed great numbers of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs, which found their way in droves to the south of the Grampians.2 During the summer
1 The famines were sometimes the result of war or spoliation ; sometimes they were caused by the failure of the crops. The periods of waste which, as we have seen, occurred in the 15th and 16th centuries, must have had their corresponding periods of want. There was a scarcity in 1624 ; a long period of distress from 1689 to 1693, during which the tenants were unable to pay any rent ; and a famine in 1697, when food was so scarce that The Chisholm found it impossible to obtain a peck of meal in Inverness, “ neather for gold or monie in hand,” as his Inverness merchant writes him. A famine and pestilence followed The Forty-Five and its outrages. In 1732 there was an entire failure of crop, which was followed by great destitution. To relieve the distressed, Sir James Grant sent from London to Urquhart, according to a letter from himself to Grant of Lochletter, “ 10 ton of choice picked potatoes for seed, 100 bolls of white pease for meal, and 50 bolls Blanesly seed oats.” The year is still remembered in Urquhart as “ Bliadhna na Peasarach Bana,” the Year of the White Pease ; and it is still told how people died of want, and how others managed to subsist on blood taken from living cattle, and on nettles and other wild herbs.
2 Sir William Fitzwarine, in his letter from Urquhart to Edward the First, in 1297, acknowledges the King’s “ letter about wool and hides.” Droves of cattle, sheep, and pigs were sent to Edward at Lochindorb, but there is no evidence that any of them were sent from Urquhart. In 1502 the Laird of Grant supplied the Scottish King with “ 69 marts, with skins.” In 1526 Boece (Bellenden’s Translation) writes :—“Beside Lochnes, quhilk is
xiv milis of lenth, and xii of breid, ar mony wild hors ; and, amang thame,
and autumn months the flocks were kept on the higher moorlands, which were separated from the arable fields and lower pastures by the extensive head- dykes whose remains still almost surround the glens, or, in the warmer days of June, July,and early August, in the distant shielings, to which a certain number of the people annually migrated, and which were the scenes of much innocent mirth and recreation.1 Later in the year they fed on the hitherto preserved pastures within the head-dykes ; and, after the corn was secured, on the pasture lands and stubble fields. With the exception of the milk cows, the cattle were seldom housed in winter, and in severe seasons many of them perished before the return of spring.
Before the introduction of coined money into Scotland in the reign of David the First, tenants paid their rent in kind—in cattle, sheep, goats, cloth, corn, cheese, and other produce. It was known in Gaelic as càin, a word which has come down to our own day in such expressions as “ kain fowl.” After David’s time the landlord received his dues partly in kind—or “ customs,” as it came to be called—and
ar mony martrikis [martens], bevers, quhitredis [weasels], and toddis [foxes] : the furringis and skinnis of thaim ar coft [bought] with gret price amang uncouth marchandis.” In 1553 there were 64 “ wild” mares—unbroken, and kept for breeding purposes—and 18 foals on St Ninian’s (see note 3, p. 114 tupra). Dr Robertson, who visited the Parish in 1804, in connection with his Report to the Board of Agriculture on the state of agriculture in the County of Inverness, writes :—“ In Glenmoriston alone, a district of no great extent, a gentleman of veracity told me there were 900 horses till very lately.”
1 The principal shieling grounds were Corri-Dho, Iararaidh, Uchd- Reudair, Brae Ruiskich, Glen Coilty, Corribuy, the remote pasturages of Corrimony, and Ruigh Mhullaich and Ach-Populi on the estate of Achmonie.
partly in money. This dual form of rent was con tinued in Urquhart until customs were abolished by the Good Sir James. He it was, too, who discon tinued the “ services” in which for ages the tenants had been liable. These services were originally rendered to the King’s representatives in the Castle, and in later times to the proprietors, or—so far as those of the estate of Urquhart were concerned—to the Laird of Grant’s chamberlains as part of their factorial remuneration. They are thus described by Mr William Lorimer in 1763, when they were in full force :—“ The tenants have always been in use to pay to the Chamberlain bailey darach,1 with their service to the bailie or factor—one day for leading his peats, one day for shearing or cutting down his crop, one day for tilling, one day for spreading his dung. Every tenant pays this according to what land he possesses. They pay by the davach in a rent. Out of every davach he gets four ploughs to till one day ; 24 shearers out of every davach to cut his corn, one day ; 24 horses for a day out of every davach to spread his dung ; and 120 carts for a day out of every davach for drawing his peats. . . The only service that the tenants are obliged to pay to the Laird are each of them two long carriages in the year, if required, from Urquhart to Strathspey.” In addition to these rents, customs, and services, the tenant, until the time of Sir James, was bound to grind his corn at
1 Darach : dark, or darg, a day’s work. Bailie-darg : the free labour to which the bailie or factor was entitled from the tenants.
the laird’s mills, and to pay the customary mill dues ;1 to pay grassum or entry money when he entered a holding or began a new lease ; and heriot, when he succeeded through the death of an ancestor or other relative. And before the old order of things was destroyed at Culloden, it was further required of him that he should at his proprietor’s call change his ploughshare into a sword, and follow him on his military adventures and expeditions. This last obligation was, however, after the advent of the Grants, generally disregarded by the Macdonalds, Macmillans, and other septs in Urquhart, who, in the Stewart “ troubles” that ended with The Forty- Five, chose to follow their own clan chiefs rather than their proprietors.
Contrary to what is sometimes supposed, the old Highlander was not always at liberty to take the free use of the mountains and woods and streams with which he was surrounded. An old Gaelic proverb says that a fish from the pool, a tree from the wood, and a deer from the mountain, are thefts of which no man ever was ashamed—breac a linne, maid a coille, ’s fiadh a fireach, meirle as nach do ghabh duine riamh nàire. But thefts they were considered to be notwithstanding, and from the earliest times efforts were made by the legis-
1 In former times there were mills at Corrimony, for that estate ; at Milton of Buntait, for Buntait ; at Mill of Tore (“the Mill of Inchbrine”), Wester Milton (“ the Mill of Cartaly”), and St Ninian’s, for the estates of Urquhart and Achmonie ; at Easter Milton for Glenmoriston’s lands in Glen- Urquhart ; and at Invermoriston and Duldreggan for Glenmoriston, Each township had its own kiln,
lature and landowners to suppress them. The Scottish enactments against illegal fishing and hunting and destruction of woods, fill no small portion of the statute-book from the twelfth century to the present, and there is evidence that they were more or less rigorously enforced in the Highlands at a comparatively early period. In our Parish the royal forest of Cluny or Cluanie, which embraced the extensive mountain tracts forming the borderlands of Glenmoriston and Kintail, were, from as early as the thirteenth century at least, reserved, nominally for the King’s pleasure, but really for that of his representatives in Urquhart Castle. In that wide preserve no unauthorised person was allowed to hunt or cut wood under pain of severe punishment, and in 1573 letters were issued by James the Sixth protecting it from the inroads of graziers, and cutters of timber, and peelers of trees.1 The destruction of the woods in the Loch Ness district had indeed attracted attention before this, and in 1563 Lord Lovat and the Laird of Grant found it necessary to obtain from the Earl of Moray, Sheriff of Inverness, an order prohibiting the cutting and peeling of trees in the “ woods upon Loucht Ness and thairabout,” and giving the magistrates of Inverness power to seize all green timber and bark
1 The Laird of Grant’s charter of 1509 granted to him the office of forester of the forest of Cluanie, but the property of the forest was reserved by the King. In time, however, the forest came to be looked upon as the property of the Lairds, by whom it was made over at an early period, partly to the Grants of Glenmoriston, and partly to the Mackenzies of Kintail. See Bond by Sir John Grant to Lord Kintail, dated 21st Dec., 1622—Chiefs of Grant, III., p. 427.
illegally brought into the town.1 The protection of the woods was a matter of serious moment, and numerous regulations on the subject are preserved in the Grant charter chests.2 Regulations were also made from time to time for the preservation of deer and roe ; and such as were guilty of a breach of them were tried before the baron-bailie, and, on conviction, severely punished.3
The timber traffic between the Parish and Inver ness and other places was always considerable. To Inverness the trees were floated down the loch and river. It was probably of Glen-Urquhart oak and Glenmoriston pine that the “ wonderful ship” was made which, as the old chronicler, Matthew Paris, records, the Earl of St Pol and Blois built at Inverness in 1249 to take himself and his followers to the Holy Land. In the seventeenth century the Lairds of Glenmoriston supplied timber for the repair of Fortrose Cathedral,4 and the re-erection of
1 Chiefs of Grant, III., 128.
2 See for example, Appendix P.
3 See Appendix P. In 1628, the Earl of Seaforth, Lord Lovat, The Chisholm, Grant of Glenmoriston, and others, bound themselves and their tenants by solemn writ to protect deer, doe, and roe, the stealing of which “is appointed to be punished as theft,” and the shooting of which “ is appointed to be punished with death and escheat of their goods moveable.”— (Iona Club Transactions, p. 193).
4 The following letter from John Maxwell, Bishop of Ross, to the Laird of Grant is preserved at Castle Grant :—
“ Burgie, 22 March, 1636. “ Right Worshipfull Sir,
“ You was pleased of your owne pious disposition, to God’s glorie and goodness towardis me, without my desert, to promise the helpe of your men to put that timber which I am to get from Glenmorristoune for the Cathedral Church of Ross in the water, I have therfore made bold onely to put you in mynde with the first diligence to cause doe it, for if it be not
the Inverness wooden bridge.1 In 1754 Sir Ludo- vick Grant was paid £1000 for the oak trees of Ruiskich, and with the money paid the cost of erection of the present Castle Grant.2 Between 1758 and 1763 the Laird of Glenmoriston realised £2000 from his woods.3 In the beginning of the present century he drew about £800 a year from them ;4 and throughout the course of the century the timber trade from both divisions of the Parish has continued to be an important source of revenue to laird and labourer.
Although the great bulk of the people have from a very early period been employed in pastoral and agricultural pursuits, a certain number have always found other fields of industry, such as the timber and bark traffic, and the trade in skins and furs, which at one time seems to have been considerable.5 Some, too, were millers, armourers, blacksmiths, car penters, masons, weavers, shoemakers, or tailors.6 At times attempts were made to start special
tymely done, this sommer is lost, and except I get your helpe the bussines is to no purpose. So wishing all health and happiness to your selfe, your noble lady, and hopefull children, I rest, your bounden seruand,
“Jo. Rossen. “ To the right worschipfull Sir Johne Grant of Freuchie, Knicht.”
1 Mr Fraser-Mackintosh’s Letters of Two Centuries, 76.
2 Lorimer’s MS. of 1763. 3 Ibid.
4 Robertson’s Agriculture in the County of Inverness, 208.
5 See note 2, p. 444 supra.
6 The following trades and occupations are mentioned in the legal pro ceedings in connection with the Great Raid of 1545 :—clergyman, clerk, cleireach (church officer), dempster (the officer of court who pronounced doom), candych (ceannaich, merchant), gobha (smith, or armourer), dequeyre (dyker), tailor, shoemaker, forsar (forester), bowman (cow man), and glassen (glazier).
industries. Lorimer records that about one hundred and thirty years before his time—that is, about the year 1630—“ the Laird of Grant being informed there was a Copper Mine on this estate [Urquhart], opposite to Pitkerrald, laid out so much money in digging for it, and in vain, that he was obliged to sell the lands of Kilminnity, &c., to pay the debts contracted in this project. Another Laird after him spent a great deal on an Iron Manufactory there, yet succeeded as ill.” The Iron Manufactory and its dams and passages are mentioned in 1634.1 It probably consisted of bloomeries, traces of which are to be found at Lochnabat. Similar indications are found at Tornashee and Buntait. The birch woods of the district were cut down and utilized in smelting the iron — the ore being brought from the South, and sent back again in a manufactured state.2 Lime has been made at Cartaly for ages.3 Before 1756 the housewives of the Parish and their daughters deftly plied the distaff and spindle, and, with the assistance of local weavers, made cloth and linen for themselves and the men of their households. In that year the Trustees for Manufactories and
1 See foot note, p. 147 supra.
3 See Appendix C for Articles of Agreement between Sir James Grant and James Dollas as to lime kilns.
2 In 1769 Sir James Grant employed Mr John Williams, a mining engineer in the service of the Forfeited Estates Commissioners, and the author of the first account of the vitrified fort of Craig Phadrick, to prospect Urquhart and Abriachan for copper, iron, or lead. Williams carefully examined earth and stream, and found “iron-stone,” “specks of lead,” and “jaspar- stone,” but not in sufficient quantities to pay working expenses. At Cartaly about sixteen different minerals, some of them extremely rare, have been discovered within recent years. The following analyses of ten of them, by
Fisheries in Scotland acquired from Patrick Grant of Glenmoriston 107 acres of land at Invermoriston, and erected a linen and woollen factory, which was for years maintained out of the proceeds of the Forfeited Estates, giving employment to a number of people, including about forty women.1 Before this time there were no spinning wheels in the Parish ; but the Trustees distributed some among the people, and in a few years they entirely superseded the ancient distaff and spindle. In 1791 the factory was closed, and its site re-conveyed to the proprietor of Glenmoriston ; and the buildings have ever since been used as offices in connection with the home farm.2
About the time of the establishment of the factory at Invermoriston, the Laird of Grant erected a similar, but smaller, building at Kilmichael, and let it as a linen and woollen factory to Bailie Alex-
Professor Heddle, of St Andrews, taken from the Transactions of the Inver ness Field Club, vol. L, p. 180—see also p. 397—may be of interest to mineralogists :—
1 Pennant’s Tour in Scotland in 1769, p. 181.
2 See Appendix Q for Account of the business done at the Factory in 1764, and Account of the distribution of wheels and reels in 1764-65.
ander Shaw, of Inverness—the same who managed the Invermoriston concern. “ The gentlemen’s wives,” writes Lorimer, in 1763, “ make linen at home for the use of their families, but sell none. The tenants both make and sell linen ; but the greatest part of the yarn spun in Urquhart is sold to Bailie Shaw, though there are perhaps a dozen weavers in Urquhart, The Manufactory [at Kil- michael] is on the decay. Bailie Shaw has dismissed almost all his servants ; but the spirit of spinning will remain, and the tenants will sell their yarn at Inverness, where the merchants will provide them with seed lint.” Through the good offices of Sir James Grant, a fresh start was given to the little establishment, and, although the manufacture of linen has long ago ceased, it has ever since continued to flourish in its own small way as a woollen factory. Ale was brewed by the good wives of our Parish from very early times, and the brew house of Kil- michael was in the sixteenth century so important a property that it was specially mentioned in the grant of Achmonie to the Mackays. For centuries, probably, it had yielded a valuable revenue to the Church. During the seventeenth century whisky began to take the place of ale, and so great did the demand for the new spirit become that the leading men in the Parish started small stills on their own account. “ Shewglie, Lochletter, Corri- mony, Dulshangie, Peter Mackay in Polmaily, John Macdonald in Achmonie, and William Macdonald in Temple,” says Lorimer, “ distill spirits, and all
except Corrimony and John Macdonald use the Laird’s woods for the distillery. They should not be allowed to take so much as a rotten stick for this purpose. Above 150 bolls of bere will be yearly distilled by these people in spirits, besides what bere grows on their own farms. If these people will brew and distill, they should pay something for fire, of which none should be wood.” The tenants, he states elsewhere, “ not only distill into aquavita what barley grows to themselves, but they import and distill a great deal more.” The result of stringent revenue laws was to suppress these small distilleries, and give rise to illegal distillation, and to a brisk illicit trade which continued till far into the present century. A licensed brewery was erected within the century at Lewistown, and another at Balnain. The latter entirely dis appeared years ago. In the former beer and porter are still sold, but none manufactured.
The industrial progress of the people was in the past greatly retarded by the want of convenient means of transit and communication. From earliest times a “ road” led from Inverness by Dunain and Caiplich to Upper Drumbuie, where it branched off into two—one branch running westward to Strath- glass, Kintail, and Lochalsh, and the other across the Strath of Urquhart, and on, by Clunemore and the south-eastern flank of Mealfuarvonie, to Glen- moriston, Glengarry, and Lochaber. This was the road by which English and Scottish knights and soldiers travelled between Inverness and Urquhart
in the days of Edward the First, and which was taken by many a clan and military expedition in later times. The Laird of Grant’s charter of 1509 bound him to improve it. It is possible he did so; but it was never more than a rough track, sufficient, perhaps, to meet the requirements of the time—the passage of men and horses and cattle and sledges. When wheeled carts were introduced about the middle of last century, better means of com munication became necessary ; and to the Good Sir James belongs the credit of making the first road to Urquhart fit for wheeled vehicles. It ran along the shores of Loch Ness, and its course is to some extent followed by the present highway, which was engineered by Telford, and constructed by the Highland Roads and Bridges Commissioners in the early years of the present century. Sir James secured the co-operation of the other proprietors in Urquhart in opening up the country, and the present roads to Corrimony and other districts are the result. The first road in Glenmoriston was that made by General Wade from Fort-Augustus to Aonach, and on to Kintail and Glenelg. The present Glenmoriston road, which follows the line of an older track, was the work of the Roads and Bridges Commissioners, who also erected the hand some bridges which cross the Moriston at Inver- moriston and Torgoil. We have seen how the Rev. Robert Monro was, in 1677, unable to attend to his duties in Glenmoriston for the reason that there was no bridge on the river, and “no boat to transport
him to his charge.” His flock managed to do without such conveniences. “ This river, that divides Glenmoriston into two parts,” writes Lorimer, “ is so deep in every part as not to be fordable for men or horses, and, there being no boats on it, every child from eight years of age learned to swim. This shows the effects of necessity, by which many difficult things are rendered very easy.”1
Loch Ness was an important medium of transit and communication at an early period. We have seen that it was used for the floating of timber. It was in one of the coracles of the time that St Columba sailed against the wind when returning from the court of the Pictish king. We find “ great boats” on the Loch in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the latter century Cromwell's soldiers launched upon it their famous frigate.2 After The Fifteen General Wade built at Fort-Augustus the “ Highland Galley,” a vessel of twenty-five or thirty tons, which, with its successors, continued to run from end to end of the Loch until the partial opening of the Caledonian Canal in 1818. In 1822 the first steamboat passed from sea to sea, and a steamship traffic was thus started which has now attained considerable magnitude.
It was one of the rules of Highland hospitality that if a traveller asked for bed and board for a night his request was granted, no questions being put as to whence he had come or where he was
1 Bridges are mentioned in the Urquhart charter of 1509. Drumna- drochit (the Ridge of the Bridge) is mentioned as early as 1730, showing that there was a bridge there before that period.
9 See p. 170 supra.
going, or whether he was a friend or foe. But as travelling became more common, gratuitous enter tainment ceased to be entirely relied on, and small inns or hostelries began to arise. The first estab lishment of the kind in our Parish was the brew- house at Kilmichael, which, as we have seen, was a place of some consequence in the sixteenth century. Before 1763 an inn was opened at Drumnadrochit, which was in that year under lease to James Grant of Shewglie, who also “ farmed” the brew-house from Mackay of Achmonie, “ in order to prevent disputes.” In 1779 Sir James Grant acquired the brew-house along with the estate of Achmonie, and it ceased to exist. The change-house of Drumnadrochit con tinued to prosper, and it is now a large establish ment, and a favourite summer resort.1
After the time of General Wade, and perhaps for some time before it, there was a small inn at Aonach in Glenmoriston, which was discontinued many years ago when the present inn at Torgoil was opened. At Aonach Samuel Johnson and his friend Boswell passed a night in 1773. “ Early in the afternoon,” records the sage, “ we came to Anoch, a village in Glenmollison [sic] of three huts, one of which is distinguished by a chimney. Here we were to dine and lodge, and were conducted through the first room, that had the chimney, into another lighted by a small glass window. The landlord attended us with great civility, and told us what he could give us to eat and drink. I found some books on a shelf, among which were a volume or more of Prideaux’s
1 See Appendix R for effusions from the Drumnadrochit Visitors’ Book.
Connection. This I mentioned as something unex pected, and perceived that I did not please him. I praised the propriety of his language, and was answered that I need not wonder, for he had learned it by grammar. ... As we came hither early in the day, we had time sufficient to survey the place. The house was built, like other huts, of loose stones, but the part in which we dined and slept was built with turf and wattled with twigs, which kept the earth from falling. Near it was a garden of turnips and a field of potatoes.”1
The Inn of Invermoriston was probably later in origin than that of Aonach. At Ruiskich a small change-house was erected during the construction of Telford’s road ; but it has now been closed.
In 1763, according to Lorimer, the tenants and mailers lived in turf-roofed houses, the walls of which were constructed of turf, timber, and wicker work. It took centuries to arrive at that stage of comparative perfection. In Lorimer’s time the lairds had already prohibited the use of timber
1 “ Some time after dinner,” adds Johnson, “ we were surprised by the entrance of a young woman, not inelegant either in mien or dress, who asked us whether we would have tea. We found that she was the daughter of our host, and desired her to make it. Her conversation, like her appearance, was gentle and pleasing. We knew that the girls of the Highlands were all gentlewomen, and treated her with great respect, which she received as customary and due, and was neither elated by it, nor confused, but repaid my civilities without embarrassment, and told me how much I honoured her country by coming to survey it. She had been at Inverness to gain the common female qualifications, and had, like her father, the English pronunci ation. I presented her with a book which I happened to have about me, and should not be pleased to think that she forgets me.” Boswell, in his Journal of the Tour, states that the host, whose name was M’Queen, was “ out” in The Forty-Five. The book which Johnson gave to the host’s daughter was Cocker's Arithmetic, which he had purchased at Inverness.
for walls, and the result was that the people began to build drystone walls, about four or five feet in height. These in time gave place to stone-and-lime walls ; and the buildings have grad ually improved until the old black houses have now all but disappeared, and given place to neat, com fortable cottages, stone-and-lime built, and roofed with slate. The dwelling-houses of the lairds and the houses of Balmacaan, Shewglie, and Lochletter, were probably stone built as early as the sixteenth century, and the Castle was a marvel of substantial mason work as early as the thirteenth. It was not, however, till the seventeenth century that turf and heather gave place to slate on the roof of the residence of the lairds of Glenmoriston ; and slate was first used by the proprietors of Corrimony in 1740, when the Old House—the oldest dwelling now in the Parish—was erected. In 1761 and 1762 the present houses of Lochletter and Shewglie were respectively built, and covered with slate; and before the end of the century the Manse, and the houses of Lakefield, Dulshangie, and Polmaily, were roofed with the same material.8
8 Large sums have been expended by the proprietors of the Parish on dwelling-houses, offices, roads, &c, within recent years. The late John Charles, Earl of Seafield, who succeeded in 1853, and died in 1881, did much in the way of improvements on his Urquhart estate, and his policy was followed by his son, who died in 1884, and has been continued by his widow, the present pro- prietrix—with the result that from Whitsunday, 1853, to Whitsunday, 1892, £36,595 has been expended by the Seafield family on tenants’ holdings on the Urquhart estate ; £29,171 10s 2d on general estate improvements, including buildings, fences, roads, and bridges ; £12,547 16s on Balmacaan mansion house and offices ; and £26,118 6s 4d on woods and plantations—making a total expenditure of £104,432 12s 6d in thirty-nine years.
The maintenance of law and order was not left to chance or neglect in the Olden Times. The old Celtic laws and rules—the most striking features of which were eric, or compensation for death or injury, and the right of sanctuary1—prevailed pro bably until the fourteenth century, when the feudal baron courts were established. The domain of Urquhart and Glenmoriston, with the exception of Achmonie, was erected into a barony early in the fourteenth century, and was raised to the dignity of a lordship a hundred years later. Achmonie—as well as Abriachan, just outside the Parish—was situated in the ecclesiastical barony of Spynie, erected in 1451, and subsequently in the smaller barony of Kinmylies, within the regality of Spynie. In 1509 the original barony of Urquhart was divided into the three new baronies of Urquhart, Corrimony, and Glenmoriston; and in the next century Urquhart and Corrimony were embraced in the regality of Grant. The baron court was pre sided over by the baron himself, or, more generally, by his baron-bailie, or factor, as his deputy. In the administration of justice, the jurisdiction of the
1 The chapels were sanctuaries for such as sought shelter from the vengeance of their fellow men until they were brought to a fair trial ; but the great sanctuary in the Parish was An Abait—The Abbey— lying between Ballintombuy and Dulchreichard, in Glenmoriston. The Abbey consisted of an island in the small tarn of Lochan-a’-Chrois—the Lochlet of the Cross—and the surrounding land extending from Tomchraskie to Tomnacroich, and from Mam-a’-Chrois to Ruigh-a’-Chrois—bounds said to have been indicated at one time by crosses. This district was probably the “Kirk lands” of Glenmoriston, mentioned in 1572. See foot note, p. 117 supra. According to tradition, the Abbey was respected as a sanctuary until a comparatively recent period.
baron or his bailie was absolute and almost universal. He sentenced to death offenders within the barony for murder or theft,1 and he fined or imprisoned them for assaults, for killing deer or other protected wild animals, or for cutting or barking trees, or destroying green sward. He made rules for the regulation of agriculture and trade, and the protection of growing timber ; and he fixed the wages of servants and the prices of commodities. He granted decrees of removing against tenants, and judgments for rents and other debts ; and generally decided between man and man on the countless questions which arose in the past, as they arise in the present. The tenantry were obliged to attend his court, which was opened, conducted, and closed with much pomp and formality. For failure in this duty they were liable in pecuniary penalties, which, with the fines paid by criminal offenders, went into the pocket of the baron. Reference has been made to the singular manner in which, by the charters of 1509, the lands of Urquhart and Glenmoriston were divided. The effect on the administration of justice was very curious before the consolidation of the scattered fragments which made up the several baronies. The few persons who inhabited Cluanie, on the borders of Kintail, and the inhabitants of Carnoch and Kerrownakeill, on the marches of Strathglass, were, along with those of the other
1 The places of execution were, Craigmonie in Glen-Urquhart, and Tomnacroich—the Gibbet Knoll—in Glenmoriston. The descendants of the last man hanged on Craigmonie are still known in Urquhart.
lands included in the Urquhart barony, subject to the jurisdiction of the Urquhart court, which sat at the Castle, or elsewhere within the barony, the more serious cases among them being, however, sometimes sent to Castle Grant for trial.1 The inhabitants of Corrimony, and of the detached Corrimony lands of Achintemarag, Divach, and Pitkerrald-croy, received justice, for a time, at Corrimony ; and those of Glenmoriston and the detached Glen- moriston possessions of Culnakirk (including Easter Milton) and Half of Clunemore, in Glenmoriston ; while the people of Achmonie had to appear at Spynie or Kinmylies. It has already been related how the proprietors found it expedient to mitigate the inconveniences that arose from this arrangement by readjusting their marches. It is doubtful, indeed, whether Corrimony offenders had not to appear before the Urquhart court ever after 1580,
1 The courts were sometimes held at Balmacaan, sometimes at Pitkerrald, and latterly at Drumnadrochit. There is a field on the holding of Grotaig called Druim-na-Cuirt—the Ridge of the Court—where probably courts were held. John Grant of Glenmoriston, chamberlain and baron-bailie for the Laird of Grant, writes from Balmacaan, in 1624, to the Laird thus :—“Your virscheip sall resaue [receive] the man that sleue your serwand Donll Pyper fra the beareris, for I thocht meitter till send him till your selff, nor till gif him the lawe heir.” Until the beginning of this century, a paid piper was kept in Urquhart. " There has always,” says Lorimer, “ been a Piper in Urquhart belonging to the Family of Grant, whose sallary has been constantly paid by a small portion of oats from each tenant. The tenants want to get free of this Tax, but it is submitted whether or not it is not better to continue it, as the Tax is small, and, being in use to be paid, it is not very sensibly felt. If you let it drop, the Highland Musick is lost, which would be a great loss in case of a civil or foreign War ; and such Musick is part of the Appendages of the Dignity of the Family. The commons are much pleased with this Musick, and the use of it will be a means of popularity amongst some.”
when the superiority of Corri- mony was conveyed to the lairds of Grant. One result of The Forty-Five was that the juris diction of baron courts was greatly curtailed by Parliament, and although they for some time continued as a shadow of their old selves, none has for many years past been held in our Parish. They left offenders against the Seventh Command ment to the tender mercies of the church courts, and guilty persons, clothed in sackloth, and sitting on the stool of repentance, were solemnly dealt with in presence of the congregation. If meet repentance did not follow, they were liable to excommunication. The church courts, too, until the end of the seventeenth century, took cog nisance of such matters as divorce, conjugal quarrels, and slander; and the session admin istered the fund for the poor, which was raised from church
collections, private contributions, and fines paid by
breakers of the moral law.1
1 See Appendix S as to the poor, and wandering “ fools.”
Did space permit some account might be given of the sports and recreations of our forefathers, and their customs in connection with births, christenings, marriages, and deaths, and with Beltane, Halloween, Christmas, and the New Year. These, however, did not differ materially from those of the Highlands generally, regarding which much has been recorded by other writers. Great changes have taken place within recent times. The long christening and marriage rejoicings have been discontinued, and so have piping and dancing at lykewakes, and excessive feasting and drinking and consequent fighting at funerals.1 The ceilidh, with its tales, and songs, and riddles, and amusements, has given place to the newspaper, with its serial story and political and general news. Comfortable houses have superseded the huts of the past. The tiller of the soil is no longer satisfied with its bare produce, but buys large quantities of tea, wheaten bread, and
1 Many stories might be told of fights at funerals, but one will suffice. A small upright stone by the roadside near Livisie marks the grave of an old woman who lived and died on the opposite side of the river. After her funeral crossed the river, the men of the Braes of Glenmoriston proposed that she should be carried west to Clachan Mheircheird, while the Invermoriston men insisted that she should be taken east to Clachan Cholumchille. A fight resulted, and several persons were killed—and then the survivors solved the question at issue by burying the body where they were. The Urquhart and Glenmoriston men have always been a fighting race. When they were not engaged against a common foe they fought among themselves—Urquhart fought with Glenmoriston, the Braes of Urquhart with the Strath, the upper district of Glenmoriston with the lower, and the Grants with such as were not of that name. The old spirit, it must be confessed, has not yet entirely died out. See Appendix T for papers referring to an amusing feud in 1737 between the Grants and other Urquhart men regarding the marriage of an Urquhart heiress.
other stuffs. He no longer tans his own leather, or makes his own shoes and harness—no longer grows his own flax, or makes his own linen and cloth. The old fir candles have given place to paraffin lamps ; and in the lower districts coal has almost entirely superseded peat as fuel. Some of the changes are improvements : others are not. But while we regret the disappearance of many a kindly custom and pleasant feature of the past, we must also acknowledge the greater security of life and property, and the more liberal measure of knowledge and prosperity and physical comfort, that belong to the present. On these points, at least, the rebuke of the ancient Preacher may still be taken to heart. “ Say not thou,” said he to the discontented Israel ites who looked back to a golden age which had never existed—“ Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these ? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.”
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