The Proscribed Macgregors seek Shelter in Urquhart and Glen- moriston.—Their Harbourers Fined.—Their Evil Influence on the Men of Urquhart.—Doule Shee’s Raid.—Commission of Fire and Sword.—Housebreaking at Balmacaan.—The Carron and Ballindalloch Feud.—Career of Seumas an Tuim. —His Supporters in Urquhart and Glenmoriston.—The Castle Repaired.—The Clan Chattan in Urquhart.—Their Friends Prosecuted.—The Earl of Moray Persecutes Grant of Glen- moriston.—Grant visits the King, and His Majesty Intervenes. —Death of Glenmoriston and the Laird of Grant.—The Story of the Covenant.—The Covenant adhered to by the Lairds of Grant and Glenmoriston.—Opposed by the Parish Minister and Lady Mary Ogilvy, Liferentrix of Urquhart.—A Short Conflict.—The Minister Yields.—Attempts to stent Urquhart for the Army of the Covenant.—Lady Mary’s Concessions.
During the early years of the seventeenth century,
the Laird of Grant and his tenants and clansmen
fell into trouble in connection with the proscribed
Clan Gregor, whose wrongs and sufferings are still
the theme of many a plaintive Gaelic song. Before
the beginning of that century the Macgregors had
for generations held possessions in the Southern
Highlands in virtue of the unwritten right of
duchas. With their neighbours, the Campbells,
the Colquhouns, and the Grahams, they had been
in constant strife. Many enormities were laid
to their charge, and the long list reached its height in 1603, when, in the dark pass of Glenfruin, they swooped down on Colquhoun of Luss, and slew two hundred of his vassals and tenants, besides many gentlemen and burgesses of the burgh of Dumbarton. Tidings of the carnage, evidenced by the production of eleven score blood-stained shirts taken off the bodies of the slain, soon reached the King ; and the utter destruction of the offending race was resolved on. They were prohibited from meeting together, or using their name. To harbour or shelter them was made a crime. The Earl of Argyll, armed with a royal commission to extirpate them, scoured their glens and hillsides with his vassals and allies, and hunted them down like deer. For a time they defended themselves and their families and flocks with surpassing valour. But in the end the superior numbers of their foes prevailed, and the wretched remnant who survived adopted other names, and sought refuge in distant parts of the Highlands. With the Grants the unfortunate people had from early times been united by the ties of clanship— both races were branches of the ancient Clan Alpin —and to the territories of the Grants they now flocked. Although the relationship rested even then on the haziest of traditions, it was sacredly respected, and the inhabitants of Strathspey and Urquhart and Glenmoriston gave willing shelter to the homeless strangers. They suffered for their hospitality. Commissioners were appointed to dis cover and punish the harbourers of the dispersed Mac-
gregors ; and among those who were found guilty and heavily fined were the Laird of Grant ; Archibald Grant, brother of the Laird of Glenmoriston ; James Grant in Pitkerrald ; Patrick Grant, son of the Laird of “Breyis” (the Braes, or Corrimony) ; Alas- dair Roy Grant in Shewglie ; John Mac Iain Mullich, Officer in Urquhart ; Donald Og Mac Iain Mullich in Polmaily ; and John Cearr Mac Donald Mac- Douachie Mac Gillespick, Hucheon Mac Iain Donachie, Duncan Mac Iain Mullich, and Duncan Mac Iain Glas, all described as “ in Urquhart ;” as well as many in Strathspey.1
Taking advantage of the law which in those times made chiefs responsible for the conduct of their people, Argyll called upon the Laird of Grant to pay not only his own fine but also those inflicted on his clansmen and dependants. The Laird admitted his liability, but disputed the amount. Recourse was had to arbitration, and on 3rd February, 1615, the total amount to be paid by the Laird for himself and his friends and tenants was fixed at 16,000 merks,2 and that enormous sum was paid before the end of the month.3
The evil habits of the Macgregors, on whose account this heavy fine was incurred, had a baneful influence on their protectors in our Parish. During their many years of strife and struggle as the
1 Chiefs of Grant, III., 315.
2 A merk was equal to 13s 4d Scots.
3 See receipt therefor in Chiefs of Grant, III., 316. The Laird doubtless collected their shares of the amount from the other harbourers of the Mac- gregors.
Ishmaelites of the Highlands, they became expert and daring in the appropriation and destruction of their neighbours’ property ; and the men of Urquhart soon began to follow their example. On 13th July, 1614, a Glen-Urquhart man, of the name of Dugald Grant, but better known as Doule Shee—Dugald of Peace—in sarcastic allusion, pro bably, to his character as a man of strife, made a raid along with Thomas Calder in Delnie, Alasdair Cain Mac Robbie in Urchine, and Lachlan Mac Lachlan Vic Donald Vic Iain Duy, on Colin Campbell of Clunes, near Nairn—burning his cham bers, barns, and sheep-cot, houghing and slaying three mares and a horse, and committing other barbarities.1 For these crimes Dugald and his asso ciates were summoned to appear for trial, and, failing to do so, were put to the horn. A royal commission was issued to Robert Dunbar of Burgie, John Dunbar of Moynes, and George Munro of Tarrell, requiring them to bring the outlaws to justice, not only for their attack on Clunes, but also on the charge of doing “ what in them lies to associate unto themselves all such of the disordered thieves and limmars and fugitives of the Highlands as they can foregather with, intending thereby, how soon their number shall increase to any reasonable company, then to maintain an open and avowed rebellion.” The com missioners were authorised to raise the lieges, and pursue the accused with fire and sword, and to detain as many as should be apprehended “ in sure
1 Thanes of Cawdor (Spalding Club), 227.
firmance and captivite,” until justice should “ be ministrat upon them.”1 Their operations are not recorded ; but, so far at least as Doule Shee was concerned, they had no result. That worthy remained at large, and we find him years afterwards in the train of the famous outlaw, James Grant of Carron.
The men of Urquhart made their own Glen the scene of their next thieving adventure. In April, 1615, Balmacaan House, which at that time was occupied by the stalwart Iain Mor a’ Chaisteil, Cham berlain and Baron-Bailie of Urquhart, was broken into, and fourteen locked chests forcibly opened, and their contents stolen. Patrick Grant of Divach- more, Duncan Grant, in Wester Bunloit, James Mac Alasdair Vic Iain Oig, in Inchbrine, and Ewen Mac Neil Vic Uian, “in Little Clune,” or Clunebeg— one of the brave race who so strenuously opposed the Grants a century earlier—were accused of the crime, and cited by Glenmoriston to appear in Edin burgh to answer the charge. The case was called on 21st July, 1620, when Glenmoriston withdrew the complaint against Mac Uian, and declared him innocent. The others were ordered to be tried on the third day of the next justice-air, or circuit court, at Inverness ; and John Grant, younger of Ballindalloch, who, bearing no love to Glenmoriston, interested himself in their defence, became bound for their due appearance.2 At this stage we unfortu nately lose sight of the proceedings, and whether the
1 Thanes of Cawdor, 227. 2 Pitcairn’s Criminal Trials.
accused were convicted, and hanged, as house- breakers were then wont to be, or whether they were acquitted, and restored to their friends, will probably never be ascertained.
We have seen how on the death of John Grant, first of Glenmoriston, an attempt was made by Grant of Ballindalloch to rob his young heir of his inheritance ; how the boy’s part was taken by his natural brother, John Roy of Carron ; and how Ballindalloch lost his life in the quarrel. The feud thus begun between the families of Ballindalloch and Carron increased in fierceness as time passed, and at the period at which we have now arrived, it raged with murderous fury. In the year 1615, Thomas, son of Grant of Carron, was met at an Elgin fair by one of the Grants of Ballindalloch, and savagely assaulted. James Grant, another son of Carron, rushed to his brother’s aid, and slew the assailant. Summoned before a court on the charge of murder, James refused to appear, and was out lawed. Placing himself at the head of a band of desperate men, he bade defiance to the authorities, and became the scourge of the Central Highlands. Ballindalloch and his possessions were the special objects of his attention ; but he did not scruple to find other victims when opportunity offered, or occasion required. John Grant of Glenmoriston, remembering how much his father and himself owed to the house of Carron, sheltered and befriended the outlaw and his band—“ ane infamous byke of law- lesse lymmars,” among whom were the son—aye,
and the wife, too—of Robert Finlay Mac Iain Roy in Glenmoriston, and the Urquhart veteran Doule Shee, with his sons Donald, John, and Ewen.1
James Grant, or Seumas an Tuim—James of the Hill—as he was commonly called, was at last seized by the Mackintoshes, who had themselves been released from outlawry on undertaking to effect his capture. Carried south, he was lodged in Edin burgh Castle to await his trial, but by means of a rope which his wife secretly sent him in a keg of butter, he got over the Castle wall and descended the rock ; and escaping into the Highlands, wandered for a time among his kinsmen in Glen- moriston, Glen-Urquhart, and Strathspey.2 Return ing to his old courses he, in November, 1634, seized young Ballindalloch near his own house, and kept him prisoner in a filthy kiln. This piece of good fortune he endeavoured to turn, not to his own advantage, but to that of the friends who had sheltered him in his fugitive days. He offered to set his captive free on condition that he would procure a pardon for Glenmoriston and his sons, and old Allan Mac Ranald of Lundie, who had all befriended him, and for all those who had harboured him on the estates of Grant, Glenmoriston, Lundie, Carron, and Huntly ; that he would discharge a debt of 4000 merks due to him by Glenmoriston ; and that he would obtain from the Earl of Moray a
1 Proclamation by the Privy Council, quoted in Spalding’s Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland (Spalding Club) L, 430.
2 See Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland, Vol. I., and Gordon’s Earldom of Sutherland, 414 et seq., and 459, for the career of Carron.
discharge of 5000 merks due by Allan Mac Ranald to the Earl.1 The prisoner declined the terms, and was detained ; but in a few weeks he escaped through the treachery of one of his guards, with whom he is said to have conversed in Latin, and immediately lodged with the Government a com plaint against the Lairds of Grant and Glenmoriston, in which he stated that the dreaded freebooter was then living among their tenants with their own connivance. The Laird of Grant was ordered to apprehend the outlaw, and he made a show of obedience. His heart was, however, not in the work, and James remained a free man until 1639, when he was pardoned by Charles the First. He was subsequently employed by the Marquis of Huntly in hunting down fugitive Macgregors, and thereafter, in similar services against the Cove nanters. In the end he is supposed to have died a natural death, after having for many years led a wild and lawless life, charmed, apparently, against all dangers.
The Laird of Grant entered, on 26th March, 1623, into a contract with James Moray, master mason, for the repair of the Castle of Urquhart.2 The troubles of the times demanded that the old fortress should be put in order, for pillage and outrage
1 Chiefs of Grant, III., 448.
2 Contract at Castle Grant. Moray’s tombstone was unearthed at Kil- more, Glen-Urquhart, some twenty years ago. It bears the inscription—“ Heir lyis aen onest man caled James Muray, wha departed this lyf . . . day of May, 1636—Mento Mori.” It is the oldest stone with an inscription found in the churchyard, with the exception of one other, bearing the date 2nd March, 1621, but the inscription on which is not further legible.
flourished in the North, and Urquhart was soon to suffer. Quarrelling with the Earl of Moray, the Clan Chattan invaded and raided his estates ; and, having thus acquired a taste for the work, they in 1624 extended the field of their operations, visiting Glen-Urquhart in their progress, and “ taking thair mete and food perforce quher they culd not get it willingly, fra freindis allsweill as fra their faes.” The Earl hastened to the King, and got himself appointed Lieutenant of the North, with authority to subdue the unruly clan, and to fine and otherwise punish such as had harboured or aided them. Letters of intercommuning, prohibiting all persons from receiving, supplying, or entertaining them, under heavy penalties, were proclaimed at Inverness and other burghs. In a short time they surrendered and were offered pardon, on condition, as we have seen, that they should bring James of Carron to justice,1 and on the further condition that they should furnish the Earl with the names of such as had sheltered or entertained themselves after the publication of the letters of intercommuning.2 To these terms the ungrateful clan agreed, and Moray proceeded to enrich himself by exacting heavy fines from the benefactors they had betrayed. Among his victims was John Grant of Glenmoriston, on whose lands in Urquhart the Mackintoshes sorned in 1620. Glenmoriston refused to pay the heavy sums in which he was mulcted, and so persistent was Moray’s
1 Mackintosh Shaw’s Mackintoshes and Clan Chattan, 316. 2 Memorialls of the Trubles, I., 7.
persecution of him that at last he journeyed to London to lay his case before the King.1 All he demanded was a fair trial. The King listened to his complaint, and addressed a letter to the Scottish Privy Council, ordering them to take him bound to appear before themselves or any court they might consider competent, to answer the charges against him.2
The effect of the royal intervention was to put an end to the persecution to which Glenmoriston had so long been subjected ; and he was soon able to come to an agreement with the Earl “quyetlie efter he had maide gryt travell and expenssis for his just defenss.”3 The trial which he had demanded never took place, and he was allowed to pass the few remaining years of his life in peace. He died before 31st March, 1637. His Chief, Sir John Grant, died on 1st April ; and they thus both escaped the troubles that were about to overtake their country.
1 Memorialls of the Trubles, L, 9.
2 The King’s letter is in the following terms :—“ Charles R.—Right trustie and right welbeloved cousin and councellour, right trusty and wel- beloved cousins and councellours, and right trustie and welbeloved councellors, wee greete yow well. Whereas John Grant of Glenmoriston hath long attended our Court, humblie craving of us that wee wold be pleased to give order that a course might be taken for his tryall, touching some imputationes wherewith wee were informed against him, who being willing to underly the law, and to that effect to be tryed either before the Justice Generall, or any other judicatorie yow shall think competent : Our pleasure is that yow tak sufficient suretie of him for his, his sonnes, brothers, and servants appearance before yow, or any judicatorie thought competent by yow, at such a day as you shall think fitt to prescribe, that he may enjoy the benefite of our lawes as is ordinarie in the like cases. Wee bid yow farewell. From our Court at Whitehall, the 21 of Aprile, 1632.”
3 Memorialls of the Trubles, I., 9. 10
The story of Charles the First’s unfortunate attempt to impose an obnoxious liturgy on the Scottish Church is well known. The tumult which Jennie Geddes’ stool raised within the church of St Giles gradually developed into the great Civil War which brought about the fall of the Bishops, the execution of the King, and the subjugation of Scotland by Oliver Cromwell. James Grant, who had succeeded Sir John Grant, his father, as Laird of Grant, took the popular side against Charles—a side that at the outset was supported by almost all the nobles and landowners in Scotland.
In April, 1638, the Earl of Sutherland, Lord Lovat, Lord Reay, and Mr Andrew Cant, of noted memory, appeared at Inverness, and got the famous National Covenant, which had already been sub scribed by thousands in the Lowlands, signed by “ the haill toune except Mr Williame Clogie, minister at Innerniss, and sum few otheris”1—the town’s crier proclaiming the obligation of signing, with the alternative of heavy penalties against all who were obstinate or hesitating.2 The Laird of Grant and young Patrick Grant, who had now succeeded to Glenmoriston, threw their influence into the scale of the Covenant ; but the people of our Parish were slow to follow their example, and the minister—Mr Alexander Grant—resented, and for a time resisted, the coercion exercised to procure his adhesion. But after the Glasgow General Assembly had abolished
1 Memorialls of the Trubles, I., 88. 2 Hill Burton’s History of Scotland, VI., 205.
the Episcopal office, to which he was so much attached, he yielded to the pressure brought to bear on him, and signed the Covenant on 14th May, 1639. The cause which it represented was, how ever, without his sympathy, and it did not prosper among his people.
That cause had a sincere opponent in the Laird of Grant’s mother, Dame Mary Ogilvy, who, since her husband’s death, possessed Urquhart as liferent proprietrix,1 and, with her younger children, resided in the Castle. Dame Mary—or Lady Ogilvy, as she was better known2—was strongly attached to the King and the Bishops. On the other hand, there was no great attachment between herself and her son ; and she did what she could to counteract and render fruitless his efforts for the Covenant. In this course she doubtless had the approval of the minister of the Parish.
In 1640 a great Covenanting army entered Eng land under General Leslie ; and Major-General Munro, a fierce Ross-shire soldier, who had been
1 She possessed under contract, dated 21st June, 1634, between her husband and herself. He reserved to himself and his heirs the liberty to draw dams and passages to the ironworks in Urquhart, with liberty to put and build the said ironworks on the lands, provided he and his foresaids upheld the rental of the lands wherethrough and whereon the said dams, passages, and ironworks should be drawn and built. He also reserved the use of the whole woods of Urquhart for the use of the ironworks, except to serve the use of the country from the woods of Lochletter, Inchbrine, Cartaly, and Dulshangie, at the will and pleasure of the tenants and inhabitants.—Chiefs of Grant, III., 445.
2 She was a daughter of Sir Walter Ogilvy of Findlater, afterwards Lord Deskford. It was customary in those times for ladies to retain their maiden surnames after marriage. At a subsequent period they used both surnames—a custom still adhered to by Scottish lawyers.
trained in the Continental wars, was left in command of the forces of the Covenant in Scotland. Munro rode with a small escort through the northern counties, getting the chiefs and landowners to raise their fighting men, and forward them to Leslie.1 He forced Lady Ogilvy to give him written authority to send men from Urquhart, and to tax her lands and tenants for their support. But the people understood that the authority was not freely given, and they refrained from actively responding to it. In these circumstances the Laird took his mother in hand, with the result that on 8th September she made a formal declaration within the Castle, in presence of James Leslie, notary-public, Patrick Grant of Glenmoriston, Alexander Baillie of Dunain, and John Grant of Lurg, to the effect that her son might, “by word and not by writ,” do all things requisite and lawful for the furtherance of the cause of the Covenant in Urquhart.2 Glenmoriston, who acted as her son’s agent, pressed her to stent her lands for the main tenance of the men sent south, or to give her son her concurrence and assistance in doing so, “ or at least to give power or warrant in writing to the said James Grant [her son], or to her own bailies and officers, for stenting her lands of Urquhart and people for maintenance of those men whom she should send south.” The lady replied that she was unable to grant the written warrant demanded, for
1 Memorials of the Trubles, I., 320. 2 See the Permission, in Chiefs of Grant, III., 231.
the reason that she had already given a similar warrant to General Munro ; but she offered not to resist her son in any steps he might deem it proper to take, in the event of his coming to the Parish with the full acquiescence of the General, or of the “ Tables ” which now governed Scotland. She absolutely refused, however, to give any active aid to her son, whom she accused of having unnaturally done her great harms, injuries, and oppressions ; but, she adds—having the fear of the Covenanters before her eyes—that should he decline to undertake the work of stenting her lands and collecting the tax without her concurrence, she is willing to do so her self, on receiving proper power and warrant from the Tables. Glenmoriston’s demands and the lady’s answers were, on 9th September, carefully committed to writing, and solemnly certified by the notary.1 The limited concessions which she made were pro bably of no value to her son ; and, so far as she herself was concerned, they failed to save her from the vengeance of the Covenanters.
1 See notarial instrument, in Chiefs of Grant, III., 232.
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