The Lordship of Urquhart Granted to the Lord of the Isles for Life.—He and his Highlanders in England.—His Rebellion and Attainder.—The Earl of Huntly in charge of the Lordship and Castle.—The Macleans claim Urquhart. —Their Position and Power.—A Thirty Years’ War.— The Lordship let to the Baron of Kilravock.—Opposi tion to him. — Arbitration. — Bonds of Friendship.— Strange League against the Baron.—He Throws up his Lease.—The Parish Waste.—Sir Duncan Grant to the Rescue.—His connection with the District.—The Conflict of Foyers.—The Red Bard in Urquhart.—Struggle for the Lordship.—Lease to the Bard.—The Bard King’s Chamber lain.—He Trades with the King.—The Lordship Granted to Himself and his Sons Absolutely.—The Reasons for the Grants.
The object of Parliament in placing on the statute- book the Act which closes our last chapter was to annex inalienably to the Crown the Castle and Lordship of Urquhart, and the other royal properties with which it dealt. But John, Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross, was not the man to relinquish his possession of Urquhart in obedience to mere parlia mentary enactments, and his great power rendered it inexpedient for the Crown to resort to stronger measures. It therefore made a virtue of necessity ; and almost before the ink was dry on the statute- book the Act was disregarded, and the Castle and
Lordship were formally granted to him for his life, at the old rent of £100 per annum.1 He was pleased and gratified with this show of royal favour, and for a time the rent was regularly paid.2 More over, his loyalty equalled his gratitude ; and when in 1460 James the Second entered on his war with England, he joined the royal army at Roxburgh “with a great company all armed in the Highland fashion, with habergeons, bows, and axes, and promised to the King, if he pleased to pass any further in the bounds of England, that he and his company should pass a large mile afore the rest of the host, and take upon them the first press and dint of the battle.”3
His Majesty, we are told, rejoiced much that the Earl “ was so ready to hazard himself and friends for defence of the King, and honour of the Common wealth ;”4 but although he and his followers did good service in the congenial work of harrying the North of England, the King’s death, on 3rd August, through the bursting of a cannon, put a stop to the invasion, and he had no opportunity of proving his own zeal and the bravery of his Celts. The King’s untimely death also cooled the Earl’s attachment to the Royal line, and roused fresh ambitions within his restless bosom. For a time he kept his plans to himself, and was outwardly loyal to the infant King,
1 Thanes of Cawdor, 25.
2 Ibid. 25, 27, 29 ; Exchequer Rolls.
3 Lindsay of Pitscottie, 2nd Ed., 119, where the Earl is erroneously called “Donald.”
4 Ibid.
James the Third. With other Highland chiefs he attended a Parliament in Edinburgh, early in 1461 ; but before the close of the year he was in treasonable correspondence with Edward the Fourth of England and the banished Earl of Douglas, which culminated in one of the most remarkable treaties to which an English sovereign has ever been a party. “ The basis of it,” says Gregory,1 “ was nothing less than the contemplated conquest of Scotland by the vassals of Ross and the auxiliaries to be furnished by Edward, with such assistance as the Earl of Douglas might be able to give. The Earl of Ross, Donald Balloch, and John, the son and heir of Donald, agreed, upon the pay ment to each of a stipulated sum of money, to become for ever the sworn vassals of England, along with all their retainers, and to assist Edward in his wars in Ireland, as well as elsewhere. In the event of the entire subjugation of Scotland by the Earls of Ross and Douglas, the whole of the kingdom to the north of the Forth was to be divided equally between the two Earls and Donald Balloch ; whilst Douglas was to be restored to the possession of those estates between the Forth and the Borders of England, from which he was now excluded ; and, upon such partition and restoration being carried into effect, the salaries payable to Ross and his associates, as the wages of their defection, were to cease. The stipulated salaries were :—To the Earl, £200 sterling annually in time of war, and 100
1 Western Highlands and Isles, 47.
merks in time of peace ; to Donald Balloch, £40, and to John, his son, £20, in time of war ; and in time of peace half these sums respectively.”
This treaty was concluded on 13th February, 1462 ; but the impatient Earl had already assumed the style of a sovereign,1 and renounced his allegiance to the young King. From Inverness he issued pro clamations in true royal fashion ; and his army, under the command of his illegitimate son, Angus, and the veteran Donald Balloch, speedily brought the North to his feet. But his reign was short. His followers after a time disappeared like the mists of their own mountains ; and in the end he was glad to come to terms with the King. His life and his property were spared, and for years all went well.2 But, in 1474, his treaty with Edward became known, and its astounding nature roused the Government to action. At his Castle of Dingwall he was summoned to appear before Parliament. He did not obey, and, in his absence, he was pronounced a traitor, and his estates forfeited. To carry the sentence into effect, a large armament, consisting of a fleet and land forces, prepared to move northward. But, before it started, the Earl entered into negotiations with the King, which resulted in the restoration of peace. An arrange-
1 The Earl acted as an independent prince as early as October, 1461, when, by the advice of his principal vassals and kinsmen, in council assembled at his castle of Ardtornish, he formally appointed his trusty and well-beloved cousins, Ranald of the Isles, and Duncan, Archdean of the Isles, his ambassadors to negotiate the treaty with Edward IV.—(Gregory, 47.)
2 Gregory, 48, 49 ; Burton, III., 14.
ment which partook almost of the nature of a com promise between independent Powers was entered into. John was created a Lord of Parliament, with the title of Lord of the Isles, and he retained the greater portion of his vast possessions ; but the Earldom of Ross was taken from him, and vested in the Crown, and the Castle and Lordship of Urquhart were retained by the King, and placed under the control of George, Earl of Huntly, His Majesty’s Chamberlain in the North.1
Thus terminated, in the year 1476, that posses sion of our Parish which, with various interruptions, the great Island Chiefs had enjoyed by themselves or their vassals, since the death of the Wolf of Badenoch in 1394. Their tenancy was not a profit able one to the Crown. The Exchequer Accounts show that the stipulated rent of £100 a year was seldom paid. In noting the non-payment in 1473, Alexander Fleming, the King’s Chamberlain, remarks that His Majesty must be consulted regarding the matter.2 The consultation, if it took place, was of no avail ; and for the remaining years of the Earl’s possession he insisted on withholding the rent as his reward for keeping the Castle.3
Neither did the Islesmen’s rule conduce to the prosperity of the people. Their wars and feuds were a constant drain on the manhood of the Parish, and the country was frequently left a prey to the
1 Gregory, 49, 50 ; Burton, III., 14, 15 ; Exchequer Rolls, VIII. See Acts of Parl. of Scot. II., for official documents relating to John’s resignation of the Earldom.
2 Exchequer Rolls, VIII. 3 Ibid.
fierce and needy neighbours by whom it was sur rounded. Even the severing of the Island connec tion failed for a time to improve matters. The Macleans, who were chamberlains for the Earls, and kept the Castle for them after Livingston’s resigna tion in 1454, acquired a power and influence which it was hard to surrender. Within the old fortress they sometimes entertained their princely patrons and other chiefs.1 At other times they led the flower of the men of Urquhart on the distant expeditions of their Lords, or in some feud on their own account against a neighbouring clan. Charles Maclean, the first of the race, added to his influence by attaching himself and his posterity to the Clan Chattan.2 The alliance was cemented by the marriage of his son, Hector Buie, to Margaret, daughter of Malcolm Mackintosh, captain of that clan.3 Hector was sur vived by at least three sons—Ewen, who succeeded him in Urquhart ; Charles Auchinson (that is, son of Eachann, or Hector), who, in 1492, appears as a witness to a bond of friendship between Sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield, Sir James Dunbar of Cumnock, and Farquhar Mackintosh ;4 and
1 Earl John was there in November, 1466, when he granted a charter of the lands of Keppoch to Hector Maclean’s father-in-law, Malcolm Beg Mackin tosh. The traditions of Glenmoriston still speak of the Island Chiefs’ progresses through that Glen on their way to the Castle, and of their custom of exchanging shirts with the Chief of the Glenmoriston Macdonalds (Mac Iain Ruaidh) as a pledge of mutual friendship and fidelity. Mac Iain Ruaidh was known as the Lord of the Isles’ “Leine-chrios”—literally “waist-shirt”— signifying counsellor or confidential adviser.
2 Invernessiana, 100 ; Mackintosh Shaw’s History of Clan Chattan, 151.
3 Mackintosh Shaw, 153. 4 Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis, 83.
Farquhar Auchinson, who witnesses the same deed, and was the first of the family who possessed Doch- garroch.1
Whatever rights Ewen had in Urquhart came to an end with the close of its connection with the Isles. From the Earl of Huntly he had no favour to expect ; and, setting up a claim of duchas, or unwritten title, to the lands of Urquhart, he resolved to hold them by the sword. Supported by the heroic Clan ’Ic Uian in Glen-Urquhart, and by the Macdonalds of Glenmoriston, he bade defiance to the King’s Chamberlain, and entered on a struggle that lasted for upwards of thirty years. Huntly was required to provide the Crown with the old rent of £100, but questions of management were left to himself, and he leased the entire Lordship to Hugh Rose, Baron of Kilravock. Ewen Maclean opposed Kilravock’s entry, and his cause was espoused by his uncle and adopted chief, Duncan Mackintosh, Captain of Clan Chattan, and the latter’s brothers, Allan and Lachlan. But Kilravock’s wife was a sister of Mackintosh, and, probably through her influence, he and they agreed to settle by arbi tration all disputes between them, and especially all questions regarding Urquhart. The arbitrators were Alexander Gordon of Megmar (son of Huntly), Sir
1 Invernessiana, 101. Hector probably gave his name to Gortan Eachainn at Balmacaan. Balmacaan itself, written Ballymakauchane — Baile-Mac- Eachainn, the Town of the Son of Hector—in the charter of 1509 to John the Bard, would appear to have been the holding of one of his sons. Balma- caan was the principal possession of the Macleans of Urquhart until their removal some thirty years ago.
Duncan Grant of Freuchie (Laird of Grant), Sir James Ogilvy of Deskford, John Grant (son and heir apparent of the said Sir Duncan), Alexander Mackintosh of Rothiemurchus, and David Ogilvy of Thomade. They met before the Earl of Huntly on 26th March, 1479, and, after solemn deliberation, pronounced their award—“ All which being heard, understood, and considered by the said Earl,” records the officiating notary, “ he with the advice of the said arbitrators, and with the consent and assent of the said Duncan Mackintosh, and Allan and Lachlan, his brothers-german, let the foresaid lands of Urquhart and Glenmoriston, with all their privi leges and just pertinents, to the said Hugh Rose of Kilravock, and willed that he should intromit with the same in the manner and form previously agreed on between the said Earl and Hugh, and that as is contained in the foresaid lease to the said Hugh.”1
Ewen Maclean, who was not a party to the arbitra tion, refused to be bound by the decision ; and, in consequence of the trouble which he gave, Kilravock procured, in 1481, two bonds of friendship from the Mackintoshes. The Chief, by deed dated 25th July, binds and obliges himself and his sons, brothers, and brothers’ children, and his kin, friends, and adherents, “gif owcht be brokin” of the previous agreement, to rectify the same, as Huntly and the said arbitrators may advise ;2 and on the 23rd of September his son Farquhar undertakes, in usual bond of friendship style, to help, maintain, and
1 Family of Kilravock, 139. 2 Ibid, 143.
defend the Baron and his kin in all their actions, causes, and quarrels. And then follows this clause in reference to Maclean :—“ And if Ewyne Makach- tane [Ewen, son of Hector] will come before Mackintosh—my father—and me, and bind himself to submit to Mackintosh and eight persons chosen by them with him, in all matters debateable between the foresaid Baron and Ewyne, the foresaid Mackin tosh and the eight persons being sworn to give each of them as far as they have right or law, it will satisfy me ; but, if the said Ewyne will not, I, the foresaid Farquhar, bind and oblige myself, as is before written, to take a onefold part with the said Baron, and his bairns and party, against the said Ewyne and his party ; and this to do and fulfil in all things, and by all things, in manner and form before written, the great oath sworn and the holy evangel touched, I, the foresaid Farquhar, bind and oblige myself to the said Huchone the Rose, Baron, and his sons, brothers, kin, and party, as is before written, under the pain of inhability, perjury, ana infamy, in the most strict style and form of bond or obligation that made is, or can be devised.”1
This solemn covenant did not in the least influence Ewen’s conduct. He still opposed Kilravock, and he had an active sympathiser in his uncle, Lachlan Mackintosh of Gallovie, who, although a party to the arbitration, did not join in the subsequent bonds. Gallovie resolved to strike the Baron within
1 The spelling is modernised. See Family of Kilravock, 144, for an exact copy of the bond,
his castle of Kilravock ; and, with that view, he, on 15th May, 1482, entered into an indenture of an extraordinary nature with his kinsman, Donald, son of Angus Mackintosh. The family of Rose had been owners of Kilravock for two centuries before the parties to this deed were born ; yet they record, as a justification of the enterprise on which they are about to enter, that “it is rehersit, presumyt, and in sum part knawin be part of the eldest off the lande, that Huchone the Rois, barone of Kilravok, sulde haff na tityll off richt to the castell of Kilrawok, na to the grunde that it standis on ;” and, taking it for granted that they have a right to seize what they do not even pretend to be theirs, Donald obliges himself, “ in all possibill hast,” to take the castle and deliver it to Lachlan, who is immediately to appoint Donald to be its constable so long as they are able to hold it, whether by law or against law. In return for these services Donald is to be placed in possession of certain lands ; and, “for the mare kindnes, traistnes, ande securite,” he is to marry Lachlan’s daughter Margaret. The young people being within the prohibited degrees, the lady’s father undertakes to procure a dispensation from the Pope at his own expense. But in the meantime the canonical impediment is not to be allowed to hinder the union. As soon as the said castle shall be taken by the said Donald, proceeds the strange paction, the said Lachlan shall forthwith, and without any longer delay, handfast Margaret, his said daughter, to the said Donald, and she shall
lie with him as if she were his lawful wife ; and, as soon as the dispensation comes home, the said Donald is obliged, forthwith and without any longer delay, to marry and espouse the said Margaret, and to hold her in honour and worship at all his power as his wedded wife, for all the days of his life. Lachlan then binds himself to pay a tocher of forty merks Scots, ten of which shall be paid at the time of the handfasting, and ten at each term of Whitsunday and Martinmas thereafter, until the whole is paid; and to clothe his daughter “ honestly,” and to keep and maintain her in his own house for two years, if Donald shall so require. And the covenant is solemnly concluded by both parties touching the holy evangel, and swearing the great oath that they shall keep the same without fraud or guile, or “ cavillaeione.”1
It is stated by the old historian of Kilravock that Donald actually surprised the Castle, and committed slaughter and destroyed papers.2 Be that as it may, the Baron made up his mind to get rid of Urquhart. He accordingly, on 24th June, 1482, got from Huntly the office of keeper of the royal fort of Redeastle ; and in consideration of the services to be rendered by him in that capacity the Earl relieved him of his unprofitable and trouble some lease, and discharged him of all sums payable under it.3
1 Family of Kilravock, 146. See similar clause as to the lady’s main tenance in Janet Chisholm’s contract, p. 43, supra. A rnerk Scots was equal to 13s 4d Scots, or 1s l4/12d sterling, Scots money being onetwelfth of money sterling.
2 Ibid, 10. 3 Ibid, 149.
One effect of the struggle with the Macleans was to aggravate the evils from which the country had suffered in the days of the Lords of the Isles, and increase the wretchedness and poverty of the people. The Exchequer Rolls — brief and bald though their entries are—give us sad glimpses of the state of the Parish. In an account rendered by Huntly in July, 1478, for the previous year, he deducts from the rent of £100 the sum of £33 6s 8d, “ on account of the laying waste of the lands of Glenmoriston, as was vouched at the audit ;”1 and in the next year’s account William Gordon of Dunlugas, the acting Chamberlain for the time, makes a similar deduction “ on the ground that Urquhart and Glenmoriston were waste, and could not be let for the year of the account.”2 In refer ence to the latter account, Huntly is instructed “ either to let or occupy the said lands in future, as no further allowance shall be made to him on that ground ;” but, despite this, the same abatement is allowed to him for the same reason in the account from July, 1479, to July, 1480, and again he is ordered to let or occupy the lands.3 The state of the Parish, in short, had become wretched in the extreme. The feuds which had so long waged between contending claimants destroyed the man hood of the country ; outside clans made thieving inroads on the undefended glens ; bloodshed and rapine prevailed ; the operations of seed time and
1 Exchequer Rolls, VIII. 2 Exchequer Rolls, VIII. 3 Ibid.
harvest were to a large extent suspended ; and the fertile fields became one great wilderness, incapable of returning the miserable yearly rent of £100 Scots payable to the Crown. In these circumstances Huntly, in obedience to the King’s commands, looked around for a stronger tenant than Kilravock. His choice fell on the Knight of Freuchie, Chief of the powerful Clan Grant.
Sir Duncan Grant was not unacquainted with the history and circumstances of the country of which he was now asked to take charge. He had been one of the arbitrators under the submission of 1479, and long before his time his family had a territorial connection with the district of Loch Ness. Stratherrick, which was the home of his family before they settled on the banks of the Spey, was possessed by them from the early part of the thirteenth century, until it passed into the hands of the Frasers about the year 1420. According to tradition, the Church estate of Foyers was their last possession in Stratherrick, and they lost it in this manner. The young bride of Gruer Mor of Portclair went forth, as was then the wont of newly married women, to receive the presents of her friends. At Foyers she was grossly insulted by Laurence Grant ; and she reported the outrage to her husband, who resolved to punish the offender, and sailed from Portclair with galleys full of fighting men. Grant and his followers rowed out to meet him, and a desperate fight took place in the bay to the west of Foyers, which is to this day known as Camus
Mharbh Dhaoine—the Bay of the Dead Men. Defeated, and unable to reach the Stratherrick shore, Laurence made for Urquhart, followed by Gruer. At Ruidh Laurais—Laurence’s Slope— above Ruiskich, he was overtaken and slain ; and Gruer seized and retained Foyers.1
In Strathspey the family of Grant greatly extended their possessions, and became a numerous clan ; and at the time at which we have now arrived, the Chief, Sir Duncan, was a man of great influence in the Central Highlands. But he was full of years, and his fighting days were past ; his only son died in August, 1482 ; and it was on his grandson John, who was known by the name of the Red Bard (Am Bard Ruadh), that the active duty devolved of restoring order in Urquhart and Glenmoriston.
The Bard seems to have taken possession imme diately after Kilravock’s renunciation of his right, and, with the exception of an annual reduction of fifty merks, allowed from 1488 to 1496, “ on account of the waste of the lands of Glenmoriston,” we meet no more with abatements of rent in the Exchequer Rolls. Huntly accounted regularly to the King for the yearly sum of £100, although Grant does not appear to have been too prompt in paying, for in 1492 he was four years in arrear.2 He had probably a fair excuse in the difficulties which beset him in his arduous and dangerous undertaking. In Glen- Urquhart the Clan ’Ic Uian resisted long and
1 Foyers remained the property of the Church till 1541, when it was conveyed by the Bishop to William Fraser of Aberchalder.
2 Chiefs of Grant, I., lxxx.
desperately, and tradition still tells of their exploits —at one time chasing a swift-footed Strathspeyman down the hill of Clunemore, until he saved his life by leaping the swollen Coilty where it forces its way through the rock on which the picturesque Bridge of the Leap now stands ; at another, slaying
a party of the invading clan, washing their heads in Mac Uian’s Pool, which is now spanned by the Bridge of Drumnadrochit, and sending the ghastly trophies as a gift to the poet-chief. In Glen- moriston the Macdonalds for years opposed the Grants, and, in the language of the Exchequer
Rolls, kept the lands “ waste.” But the Bard’s progress, if slow, was sure. In 1498 he earned the King’s substantial gratitude for the “ gude and thankfull service” of seizing and bringing to justice Allan Mor Mac Ewen, a son probably of Ewen Maclean ;1 and he soon found his footing so secure that he accepted direct from the Crown a lease of the Lordship for five years from Whitsunday, 1502, at the old rent of £100, of which, however, £20 a year was allowed to himself as his fee for keeping the Castle.2 He also traded with the King, and received, in October of that year, £71 2s, as the price of “ 69 marts, with skins,” supplied by him for His Majesty’s household.3 In 1505 he succeeded Walter Ogilvy of Boyne as King’s Chamberlain of the Lordship and certain other Crown lands, and he held that office until 1509, when his good fortune reached its climax, and Urquhart and Glenmoriston were bestowed on himself and two of his sons as their own absolute property.
Various considerations moved the King to make these grants. Ever since the days of the Wolf of Badenoch, the lands embraced by them had formed a bone of contention between rival claimants, and the Crown derived little or no benefit from them ; while the royal Castle, falling from time to time into the hands of men whose loyalty disappeared in their
1 For this service certain fines, which the Bard had incurred by non- appearance at certain justice-aires, or courts, were remitted.—Chiefs of Grant, III., 43.
2 King’s Rental Book, 1502-1508, in Register House.
3 Exchequer Rolls, XII., 219.
thirst for power, became rather a menace to the Throne than a souce of strength. Under the rule of the Bard a marked improvement took place. His loyalty was above suspicion. His prudence and energy led to his employment in quelling dis turbances in Ross-shire and Strathglass, and even
in the distant wilds of Mar. With his large Celtic following, he was eminently the man to maintain order within the extensive Lordship, which had almost come to be looked upon as a No-Man’s-Land. It was believed, and with good reason, that, if the territory was absolutely made over to himself and
his family at a feu-duty not less than the old rent, their interest in the preservation of peace would be increased without pecuniary loss to the Crown. And so the charters of 1509 passed the Great Seal, and the Castle and Lordship of Urquhart for ever ceased to be the property of the King.
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